Unread messages

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Oct 25, 2010
In the old Forum there was a possibility to show the "unread messages since your last visit".
Cannot find this search-option anymore.
Is it gone or am I overlooking it?
On the bottom of the page, under "Display Options", you can select from a drop down menu, under "Read", "Unread Messages". :)
Could it be this only works in the newest browsers?
I'm still on the best Windows XP, so the latest IEplorer are not available to me...
I see the drop-downs at Display Options at the bottompage of a thread, but these give no option you mentioned...wall1
Never mind anymore, Zathros.
Don't know why, but I just "discovered" the New-button at the top-bar.
Must be getting old....
But I like the looks of the new skin. Relaxing for the eyes.
Never mind anymore, Zathros.
Don't know why, but I just "discovered" the New-button at the top-bar.
Must be getting old....
But I like the looks of the new skin. Relaxing for the eyes.

No, it wasn't you :) The "new" button wasn't there in the beginning, but it got added again (well... the text was made white, so it is visible). Kudos to the administrators! :wave:
We're working it as we go, but please post everything in the "New Skins" thread so we can have every bug in one spot. In that spirit, I am closing this thread. :)
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