UHU02 Lunar Module

Master UHU02 has pushed the boundaries of paper modeling once again!!!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH Master UHU02 for sharing this WONDROUS MASTERPIECE with all of us!!!
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NO ----- NO ---- NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Don't tell me it is finished!!!! I wanna see MOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!!! MOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEEEEEAAAAASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


UHU02, this is wonderful. Thank you soooo much. I BOW BEFORE YOU!

@uhu02 When I first approached cardmodeling I was a plastic model fan. In the pre-Internet era my only source of inspiration were few Shreiber Bogen kits I used to buy in a little shop near home. I builded mainly architectural models (castles, churches and so on). I found that other subjects (airplanes and ships) were too basic to be more than a simple way to spend some spare time with scissors and glue... Then I discovered polish models, GREAT things with a lot of details, in and out, and the game started to become more serious. At that time I was already paper-addicted and completely forgot all the hundreds of plastic model boxes laying in my "archive" waiting to be builded. But something was still lacking: I wanted more details. Many model has a lot of them but, even if the good of this wonderful hobby is that you can easily add and modify a lot of parts if you have a little skill with a PC and some kind of graphic software, I felt there was space for something more but I didn't figure exactly what I was searching for. Now I have the answer! THIS is the FINAL model! This is the limit I was searching, no, I'm wrong: you passed that limit!

Your LM is the irrefutable demonstration that CARDMODELING IS ART! And YOU ARE AN ARTIST! Because you are creating a real piece of art. There's no discussion on it!
Many thanks Mister UHU02!

You have taken papermodelling to the highest level.
You made me asking myself: will I ever build this Piece of Art, or am I going to switch over to collecting stamps or alike? ;-))
Dear Uhu02,

words are not enough to express my gratitude for this exceptional gift. You have outdone yourself (once again). Your presentation and attention to detail is absolutely breath-taking.

Thank you, Master, and Happy Easter to you.

Enjoy your trip to the moon and return safely soon! :)

Kind regards
and highest respect


P. S. : Is there any fish on the moon? ;)
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Thank You UHU, for this is truly a work of art, and you have made it accessible to oh so many. This is a true gift, and true giving, from the heart. :)
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@uhu02 is great!

I've e-mailed him with a couple of little observations (after having downloaded and carefully studied the templates of his great LM) and... less than half an hour after, the correction was already posted on his site.... You cannot say he doesn't listen to his audience!! :)

The fact that you picked that up is as great as his quick correction!! :)
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The names of the .pdfs that were affected were " lm73" and "lm713", which both were corrected by the time I had downloaded my copy, some may which to check before the model becomes archived, and make sure you have the updated .pdf's reported by Tonino . :)