UHU02 Lunar Module

This really shouldn't be possible in paper. It's like Alcock & Brown looking at the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and thinking "Yeah we can cross that" rather than going home and having a cup of tea like any sane thinking person( that drinks tea) would do. As incredible as this model is what truly amazes me is that someone can look at a sheet of paper then at a picture of something as complex as a Lunar Module and think "Yeah I can make that"
I can hardly prevent myself from crawling into the screen to take an even closer look at the detail..! BTW, you can't just "Like" this thread, you have to "LOVE" it! :):):)
My Lord, was the real one so small! I'd have to scale that up 300% just to be able to hold it!
I actually find that interior intimidating, and amazing. Man alive!! o_O
Words to express what I am thinking, escape me at the moment!
To be honest, this is beyond belief!
I am beyond amazed by the level of intricacy that in this model!
I'm not gonna say anything. Because I cant say anything that would not involve me getting banned!!!!!

But that is just .......................................................