Uhu02 "Discovery" Model


Jul 13, 2005
Well from the look of it this one will be released soon WOW !!!

it's huge :) And very nice detailed form the blog pic's ...


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:mrgreen:I have been following this one since he started it. I have been using the babelfish translator, seems very confusing. I think he had a problem with part of the design and needed to fix it before release. Otherwise I believe it would have been released already. Also He has designed an interior to go with it, but I am unsure as to whether or not he will release it with the final model. Is there anyone who can translate some of the blog more precisely. It would be most appreciated. :thumb:

"where is the blog?

Looks like fun"

We don't link to the site per the designer's request (is this accurate?). However just Google the title of the post and you will be able to find it
Yep. He's been burned repeatedly by pirates and doesn't want his blog address published. As a matter of fact, he's pulled his blog and all of his models at least once because of this.
Thanks for the heads up..sweet kit allright..

Anyone know how I could get a copy of the Metropolis Maria?

Thanks for the great Design Mr. Uhu02

John John
Just a quick note: The OUTSIDE diameter of the spine is about 8.5mm according to my fudging about with the parts on sheet 1. (at least when I print it out) that means you'll probably want an internal rod of a bit over 8mm in diameter. I suggest doing your own calculations based on the thickness of card you print it on. I'm still not sure how far I'm going to go with this model, there is so much repetative duplication of parts my boredom threshold may expire. I'll give it a try anyway.
Just a quick note: The OUTSIDE diameter of the spine is about 8.5mm according to my fudging about with the parts on sheet 1. (at least when I print it out) that means you'll probably want an internal rod of a bit over 8mm in diameter. I suggest doing your own calculations based on the thickness of card you print it on. I'm still not sure how far I'm going to go with this model, there is so much repetative duplication of parts my boredom threshold may expire. I'll give it a try anyway.[/QUO

There's some Japanese text on the first page; the only part I can read is "9mm" which I took to be the diameter of the dowel. I suspect a translation of the rest would be helpful.
Okay, just tried it on 8mm dowel, printed on 200gsm stock. there is still a small gap, and the final diameter is somewhere between 8 and 8.5mm. it may not seem like much, but when wrapped around 9mm dowel, there is a 3mm gap.

..now I'm gonna have to get me some 8.5mm diameter brass to sharpen up to cut all those holes....