U-Don's U-Boot typ VII C

You have really done an extraordinary job, all the detailed make it look wonderful. Congratulations!
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Reactions: Papa Mashy
Thanks all.
Really appreciate the kind words.
It's taken me quite a long time. Combination of learning new medium techniques and family commitments.
I've covered a lot of errors and rookie skill by painting the whole thing.
This enabled me to create a specific historical model but added to the time. The research is fun though, and is an aspect I really enjoy.

I've still plenty to learn and I'm relishing the journey.

Thanks everyone for the support, tips and general encouragement.
It really helps.
All the best
I'm really, really pleased.

I offered this model to the Royal Naval Patrol Service museum in the Sparrow's Nest at Lowestoft as a donation.
I didn't really expect them to want it, but they were keen to have it! They are looking to build up their anti-submarine section.

Royal Naval Patrol Service Museum.

Feels good that the model will be of use, rather than tucked away in a box in my loft, or left at home on a shelf at the mercy of cats and family "accidents", or consigned to the recycle bin...

I don't think it could have found a better home.
Well it looks great, but the last pics I cant open for some reason, could some one please post them here on this post so I can see?
Beautiful work Papa. I am happy for you to get it to the museum.thumbsup I allways try it with my models to get it to places where peaple will see it. It could not get better than to place it in musemum.
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I'm really, really pleased.

I offered this model to the Royal Naval Patrol Service museum in the Sparrow's Nest at Lowestoft as a donation.
I didn't really expect them to want it, but they were keen to have it! They are looking to build up their anti-submarine section.

Royal Naval Patrol Service Museum.

Feels good that the model will be of use, rather than tucked away in a box in my loft, or left at home on a shelf at the mercy of cats and family "accidents", or consigned to the recycle bin...

I don't think it could have found a better home.

That is quite an honor, and I am sure they appreciated the hard work that went into such a donation, kudos to all involved. :)
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Reactions: Papa Mashy
You had to do this build thread for anyone to believe that this was paper made.

This build is inspiring!
Thanks DC.
U-don did a great job on the design. I had to do very little extra detail. Most of my effort went into painting, research and covering my mistakes. ;)
I highly recommend anyone giving it a go. It's a real joy to put together.
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Thank you all.
It is the ultimate pleasure. I had fun building it, but also learnt so much creating the historical representation.
This, for me is the real kick. Learning and discovering the human stories behind the object.
Not just the vanilla facts, but digging that bit deeper to understand the time, place and people.

Thanks to everyone for the support, encouragement and advice during the build. This model is a sum of the community. I may have physically made it, but everyone has added something to it.

Cheers all.
I enjoy that aspect of this hobby also, not not only makes you informed, it makes you really informed, and gives you a tactile sense that really cannot be obtained any other way than actually being there. :)