U-Don's U-Boot typ VII C

Thanks Z.
That could easily be done using the this model template.

What would be super awesome for a diorama, would be to submerge the entire model in acrylic and have a couple of depth charges sinking nearby with a ship on the surface.
It would be a MASSIVE diorama though. The u boat is 27" (69cm) on it's own!
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Just a surface decks awash model would not require much acrylic, maybe none at all, if you use Wall Compound, paints, and Plastic Wrap for the surface water tension effect. ;)
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and so on to the 20mm C/30 Flugabwehrkannon..
Not too many parts. A few I didn't use and replaced with wire.
I had taken loads of pictures, but on review, I found most of them blurred. :(
Anyhow, you can see the pre-painted built up parts and where I have substituted to make more rounded depth.
Overall, the piece wasn't that difficult to build, but the instructional pictures were a little hard to see. I ended up searching the internet for real images of this Flak gun to get a better feel of it and to see where I could enhance detail such as adding various thickness of wire to represent the counterweight and dampener.

I was looking forward to these parts from the outset, and the challenge of this and the 8,8 deck gun are what drew me in to giving this a go.
Photo to follow of the 20mm installed in the tower, and then on to 8,8 deck gun.
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Here's a thought for you guys and gals....

I was wandering the internet and ended up looking at UHU02's U96 model build blog. Interestingly, as I'm quite intimate with U-Don's model, I could easily compare both models.
There are elements of each model that are superior, but here's the thing... both models are 1/100 scale and both VIIc versions! That means theoretically then that parts/sections should be interchangeable. :)
Could make for an interesting project for someone to create an ultimate u-boat...
Here's a thought for you guys and gals....

I was wandering the internet and ended up looking at UHU02's U96 model build blog. Interestingly, as I'm quite intimate with U-Don's model, I could easily compare both models.
There are elements of each model that are superior, but here's the thing... both models are 1/100 scale and both VIIc versions! That means theoretically then that parts/sections should be interchangeable. :)
Could make for an interesting project for someone to create an ultimate u-boat...

UDon's Hull is more accurate though. UHU's is a good model, that is, if you can get it still.
Yep. I agree. Udon's hull is much better. You can still get uhu's model.
I found the pdf pages on another japanese website dedicated to U-96.
The owner of the website says that UHU gave permission to link to the files.
UHU wasn't happy with his model. He pointed out things I would not ever have noticed.

@Papa Mashy , you can post the link to UHU's sub model, if you wish.
I've repaired what I can of this build thread. I'm missing a few photos but I had most.
Putting all that "T" word shambles behind us and moving on...

The stand design that Udon created for this model is quite good.
However, I have found over time as I fixed the stand to the model quite early on to protect the rudder assemblies and forward dive planes, that with all the handling and general moving the model about, the stand became wobbly and the model started to list.

There is a weak point in the design, in the point where the cone fits into the box section that cradles the keel.
If you intend to make this model and use the supplied stand, then I would recommend inserting dowels through the stand into the model for strength.
I started down this path but actually opted for a different solution...
I cut the cones off and mounted the box sections directly to the base.

I think it is a better solution, in that the centre of gravity is brought down and there is more surface area holding the model to the base. I actually think it looks better too.
8.8cm SK C/35 naval gun construction...

I've also created my own "cube" from scratch for fun, which maybe a first tentative step toward designing... ;)
Need to get this model finished before winging off down another path!
This is probably the the trickiest piece of the whole model, and actually a reason why I chose to build this all that long ago...
This was a real test of patience.
Unfortunately, this is right at the very end of the build and my enthusiasm isn't as high as when I started. (Probably because I've take soooooo long to build it and I'm itching to do something else!)
8.8 Deck gun completed and installed.

Next up were the railings.

For this I had a go at soldering...
I'm not the most proficient but practice makes perfect. So it's said.
I had tried making these previously using CA glue but that didn't turn out well.
I was happy enough with this first foray.

Railings painted and fitted.

Really is on the home straight now!
Cables, aerials and final weathering to go. :yesyes:
Final touches now..
I made up some victory pennants as I want this model to depict the returning vessel.
There are lots of variation for these as they were made by the crew on the return journey to port. Some had borders, some had the boat emblem, some just had "Frachter" or "Tanker".
The tonnage were estimates by the crew so tended to be rounded rather than actual GRT.

I did a little research and settled on Klaus Popp's 8th patrol for no other reason than this was 52 days long at sea, (mostly on the U.S East Coast) with a high number of successes and long enough to attain the corrosion levels I wanted to portray. (Make it rusty and lumpy to disguise my bodges and rough areas on the model ;))
Depart - St Nazaire 7th Mar 1942
Return - St Nazaire 27th Apr 1942


KTB Time





25 Mar 42​






3 Apr 42​

03.10 - 03.40​





5 Apr 42​






7 Apr 42​






7 Apr 42​






9 Apr 42​

09.38 - 10.00​





10 Apr 42​


34°21'N, 75°58'W​





Simple enough to create in Inkscape and make.

Final weathering completed and model done! Phew. :Drinks: