Types of paper...


New Member
Jan 13, 2011
Springfield, IL
Hiya all, been doing papercraft for little bit now, but run into issues with the very tiny itsy bitsy pieces and the paper separating... I have a question...

What kind of paper works best? I am using card stock, I think 110 lb, I saw in office depot a 67 lb card... Also, is there a brand or type that is a single piece and will not separate?

Oh, and tools...

I am using a ham knife for folding glue edges... and some small clamps I got at home depot... but, I need more project focused tools, smaller edges, curved edges to fold and some long clamps... like bar, C, F clamps but in small scale... An extensive search of the internet has yielded very, disappointingly, little... Any suggestions other than starting my own line?
I found some miniture clothes pins at a dollar store, I think about 50 for a buck.
These work for some areas.
Some crafters use hemostats for gripping small things. They look like scissors but clamp shut and are used in surgery. Some hospitals use throwaway ones so if you have friends in the right places...
I have no experience with clamps, but has anyone using tried two magnets? Seems like they would be quite adaptable. Rare earth magnets would probably be plenty strong even for big jobs.
I've always used 110lb card stock. Never thought to use clothes pins. Should save my fingers from getting stuck together!
About the clamps. I have been using scrapbooking for ages now and I must say I don't have all the necessary tools they advertise on TV or internet. I use tweezers when gluing some items. They have smaller edges and is perfect for papers. :))
Having been a machinist (toolmaker), I can assure you that you may find yourself able to design the tools you need if you give a little thought to it. :)
I used to use a glue that was fairly watery until it dried, and I would hold the pieces together with the forceps (i.e. tweezers) from a dissecting kit, which worked pretty well. If the glue is quick-drying, you should be able to hold it for long enough. It is also good for aligning the edges precisely!
Ok, next question... when cutting the forms... do you cut directly on the line? just outside, just inside?

I cut to the outside of the line. I think it is better to have a bit too much paper than not enough. You can always trim away excess, it is much harder to add paper.
Thanks for sharing these fresh ideas...I never know about some of them...
Just remember, if you cut a part, and it is slightly on the outside of the black line, the black line will show and really stick out on our model. This could be a god or bad thing, depending on the model. Paper edge lines are hard to deal with, and with paper, even harder, because of their necessity. IMHO. :)