trying to get started

SSG Troll

New Member
Jan 16, 2010
Hi everyone,
I've been an armchair modeler for years. But now I want to start up a logging railroad set during the 80's. What should i use for an engine or two and would the BCR skeleton cars work?

My other problem is that I'm stationed in Iraq for now.
Welcome, SSGT; Thanks for being where you are, doing what you must, and hope you're back safe and soon. Though you didn't specify, I'm guessing HO:

...and this is the car (in the correct 1980's paint/logo?). OOPS, you didn't mean the 1880's, did ya ? More questions !!! I'm just a Pa. boy, but lotsa (more knowledgeable !) Canadian craftspeople hang out here and will probably have answers. Glad you're with us. Bob C.
Thanks I'm here for a bit cant say when though. Yes it will be in HO and in the PNW. I grew up in Oregon my grand dad was a logger.
OK, wasn't sure of time either (your Grand Dad's 1880's logging railroads were very different)...and the BCR reference threw me, (tho' we have some fantastic Canadian modelers here). Hows this for a start: ...for info on your area of interest (I'm taking a look, too). Though you can't start building much over there, you can build a store of data (electrons, brain cells or - how 20th Century - PAPER printout, utilizing a logging product ! All the Best. Bob C.