TRANSPORT CENTRAL scratch build (using styrene plastic)

About 3 days after switching to the current webhost they changed the security protocols (typical update) and I could no longer log in. I am still using XP Pro. I borrowed this Win7 computer I am on now but won't have time to do updates to any threads (I am at a friends house). Took me quite a few minutes to figure out how to get on the site in a new browser.. But I hope to update my XP computer soon. Just posting this to let you know I am alive and (at least one leg is) still kicking. hot sure why everyone has to update unless it is just following the heard.

Do more modeling, Swamp Daddy thumbsup
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Great to see you again, @swampdaddy41 ! :)

Thank you for the info! I hope the computer issues will besolve soon. Using XP s not safe any longer, it wouldbebest to update to a newer OS. Depending on your machine it could be possible to switch to a Linux system, or you could update to Win7 and then make the jump to Win10 (I think the latter can still be done for free). I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

All the best and stay healthy! :)