'traction'? pics from France

Thanks for all the compliments, I'm really glad you enjoyed the pics!

Terry R..I DID enjoy driving those roads, tho I often was delegated navigator because of my buddy's supposed motion sickness <rollseyes> I just let him drink most the wine then I would designate myself driver....lol The train got in the way of the station..sorry

Sumpter, thanks..context IS a good thing.

Matthyro..I think it's aupair but I knew whatya meant ;) , was a big thing years ago. A great way for young folks to 'travel abroad'. My daughter got a job tutoring some young kids for awhile.

60103..I've done some research on the pruning technique. It's called pollarding and is much frowned upon these days. But waaayyy back when it was common practice, they pruned trees that were maybe between 10 and 20 years old and then each year harvested the small branches that grew out of the cuts and used them for kindling and weaving. Today it's looked upon as unhealthy for the trees, which I find funny cause there are tons of these pollarded trees that are hunderds of years old and still going..so who knows

OK enough babbling---I have a few more pics of the urban trolley traction in Montpellier, these were shot with a standard point and shoot camera then scanned and edited digitally for brightness and contrast to show the primary sbject and resized to fit this forums size requirements

If anyone wants full sized files I can email them.

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