Tokyo Tower by uhu02

Exactly that is what this is about: fun and relaxation. And it's a certain form of therapy in some difficult moments. In these forums you learn to improve in a surprising way thanks to tricks and tips. In a little more than a year, improve my ability in this.Logically I would like to reach the top level of many modelers, but being realistic I know my limitations.I always remain satisfied to finish a model even though I have many mistakes, I enjoy building, and i consider a supermodel that i have fun and relax, i have ten or a thousand pieces. A simple model that makes us forget for a while the daily hardships for me is a supermodel. Your tower looks great, my clumsy fingers still do not dare to something like that, while I enjoy watching your torture.
hahaha , yes i wounder why i do this to myself. it is relaxing, the joy of doing it and being able to say " i did this".. plus the look others give me when i show them what i'm doing. that " guy is nuts " look from a few. and i smile at them and say i have fun with this.. i've been at this , oh, almost 4 years now.. still learning , still having fun even in them ahhh crapp moments..i think the first one i "cut" my teeth on was the Saturn 5..stands about 6' tall. it was like WOW, i'm doing this and it looks good to me. hard at times, yes, making the engines were tough. but kept at it and got it done. have here in my "room" in pieces cause i have no place to leave it standing, but i got it. have had a few that went into the trash ( got pissed cause things were not going right) , but i know i will rebuild them 61, fingers not moving that good any more but i keep at it...
Laborious, my hat is off to you, I could never do it! :)
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ok, got a little more done.. just a little .. 20190520_135052.jpg support for the middle.. oh and there are 7 of these supports going up through the lower section. putting in the supports for the edges..20190520_135345.jpg 20190520_135709.jpg i found these in my " things i might use" drawer.. coffee stirs. nice and long and can reach far in..20190520_141429.jpg 20190520_141538.jpg
now the cross bracing.... i only did one side today... what a trial it is.. had to do some trimming on the edges to get them to fit better..20190523_151243.jpg 20190523_153209.jpg 20190523_153222.jpg only 4 sections , but a slow job it is..
here i got all 4 in place..20190523_154557.jpg a very hard build for me. but i'm taking my time and doing a little at a time.. ha, one side says " something easier ..." other side says " nope.. keep at it.."
i'm keeping at it.. testing me for sure.. but i want to get it done and say.. " there , i did it.. again... :)
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Yes, that's complicated, I'm thinking, it's coming together beautifully! For some time now I've been noticing that this hobby is slowly making us lose our sanity, more complicated models, we start adding all kinds of details, we look for all kinds of glues, paper, tools, sleep less, we start to work and we do not see the time to return to devote a couple of minutes to the model, etc. This slowly leads to madness, but seeing how it goes armandose this tower can only say, how beautiful this madness !!!
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I have a very old boat model. It is around 36 yeaars old. This modell is completely made of paper, and I used to sail it on a small 10 by 10 foot pond, it's only 11" long. I took a bottle of liquid crazy glue, and, putting the boat model on a fine rod of metal, I poured crazy glue all over it. I then painted the model. People who handle it think it is wood or plastic. I guess technically it is a composite, but if you poured crazy glue all over just the inside of that tower, it would probably never collapse, unless done so purposefully. ;)
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Sorry for my igorancia, what is the crazy liquid glue?
It is a Cyanoacrylate based Glue... Krazy Glue is a Brand Name, same as Super Glue... instant adhesion and will glue your fingers together in an instant! It will "Plasticize the card stock as it seeps into it! It will hold the shape of a curved piece of card stock if it is on the back side, once dry ( which takes seconds ) you can then coat the front side and make it permanent, it is also ( as it makes the paper plastic) waterproof! It will strengthen a hole for a rod, so used in making hinges works well, it can then be drilled and sanded just like plastic! Since it turns to "plastic" when dry it will add a great deal of strength to a card model...NOTE: the fumes are very NASTY... and should only be used in a well-ventalated area! Get too close to it while spreading on a part it will burn your sinuses!!!

Thank you!! I thought it was something else, here we know it as "the droplet". And more than once we saved my brothers and me when we broke something to my mother! Of course, "la mama" later discovered our deception:(.
Thank you!! I thought it was something else, here we know it as "the droplet". And more than once we saved my brothers and me when we broke something to my mother! Of course, "la mama" later discovered our deception:(.

I like that you asked. Asking is how you learn and no question should go unanswered. ;)
Yes, that's complicated, I'm thinking, it's coming together beautifully! For some time now I've been noticing that this hobby is slowly making us lose our sanity, more complicated models, we start adding all kinds of details, we look for all kinds of glues, paper, tools, sleep less, we start to work and we do not see the time to return to devote a couple of minutes to the model, etc. This slowly leads to madness, but seeing how it goes armandose this tower can only say, how beautiful this madness !!!
madness you say?? oh, yes.. a beautiful madness it is... the kind i am proud to have..:bulgeeye::bulgeeye:..we all have it in us. i for one am happy to let mine come out in what i build. hahaha
I have a very old boat model. It is around 36 yeaars old. This modell is completely made of paper, and I used to sail it on a small 10 by 10 foot pond, it's only 11" long. I took a bottle of liquid crazy glue, and, putting the boat model on a fine rod of metal, I poured crazy glue all over it. I then painted the model. People who handle it think it is wood or plastic. I guess technically it is a composite, but if you poured crazy glue all over just the inside of that tower, it would probably never collapse, unless done so purposefully. ;)
was really thinking of using a clear spray acrylic after i have it all done.. don't think i could find a 5 gal pail of crazy glue to dunk it in:):)..
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I was thinking of another kind of madness. Get the dimensions of each of the beams used to make the tower then cut out strips corresponding to the width of each one using solid red card stock. You would also need to cut out some hubs. Then contruct the tower beam by beam. That should only be a few thousand strips of various width and a few hundred hubs that need to be cut out. But think of the fun you would have.:)
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I was thinking of another kind of madness. Get the dimensions of each of the beams used to make the tower then cut out strips corresponding to the width of each one using solid red card stock. You would also need to cut out some hubs. Then contruct the tower beam by beam. That should only be a few thousand strips of various width and a few hundred hubs that need to be cut out. But think of the fun you would have.:)
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well, bit more done.. got the 2nd section in.. 20190525_160702.jpg
everything so far has been edge colored. fun reaching in with a brush but wasnt too bad
next.. the stairway..
i opened as much as i could. some are just so small and i was afraid of messing it up. not like your gonna really see the stairs in there.. but i know they are there and if someone want to really look hard.. they'll see them
20190527_121542.jpg 20190527_140829.jpg 20190527_144635.jpg . i kept telling my self.." i will not go stair crazy, i will not go stair crazy...:hammerhead::bulgeeye::rolllaughing:30 levels on this step.. and then another 30 to go... oh the fun..
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