This is now a Reckoning: UHU and ZEALOT Bashing by

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Gentleman and Gentlewoman:

From what I understand that thread has been taken out of public view. I will not be removing this one, nor will I allow any untoward remarks, relatively speaking, sometimes the truth seems untoward, posted in it, but this thread will stay open so that the next time this happens, and there will be a next time, they, having removed the thread from public view, will be reminded by the screen grabs I made of it.

I would like to say situation over, but much damage was done, just went I thought maybe, just maybe, some kind of understanding had been achieved. I have sent many people over to, who were looking for specific models they had. I could have shared them, but I sent them there. Never again.

That forum's name will be deleted from any post made here. Please, do not mention it. All they have caused is trouble, and I and everyone of the too many to count people who have PM'd me are tired of it too. They always initiate this kind of silly ridiculous bickering.

We'll do our own thing. We're going to broaden the scope of this forum.

Our future is bright. Numbers of members doesn't matter, it's the quality of people, and in that, we cannot be beat. Thank You all. :)
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Amen to that!

(Zombie like) "All hail Zathros, All hail Zathros...." :animated::animated: (Tongue in cheek)

For the record, I was trying to close my account there for personal reasons, as Zathros has said, make your own decisions. :)

PS: Are we going to use"The Forum That Shall Not Be Named" going forward? :hide:
Whatever you wish. You could always call it this: prince.gif, Prince doesn't use it anymore. :) (just don't for links using BBCodes, not that you would, just thought I would mention it.
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Due to the persistent and annual/biannual of the harassment of our membership by the forum called: w. w. w. papermodelers . com, no reference to that forum will be allowed on this forum and any references will in fact be deleted from any thread it is posted in. There will be no infraction unless the same person keeps doing it, then they can just go over there and do their thing there. Your account here subsequently will be deleted, you will not be Banned, just expunged.

You can belong to whatever forum you want, that is your business, and nobody cares about that.........

There must be a separation and delineation between these two forums due to their hostility towards this forum. They always start it, we always end it.


Senior Administrator
You truly are a renaissance person, Zathros thumbsup
That is an honorable statement, Thank You. :)

@subnuke, I have a Marlin 335 and a Winchester, Nickel plated, looks like new, both chambered in 30.-30.. With the Hornady Tips, the specs are as follow (most of my Ammo is Hornady 170 grain):

Hornady 30-30 LE 2400 fps/2046 ft-lbs (muzzle) 1916 fps/1304 ft-lbs (200 yds). It gives the ability to reach out much farther, and through walls.

In my youth, I reached a Grey Sash, there is only Black Belts, and Grey Sashes in that type of Kung Fu. It has served me well. 4 times attacked by perfect strangers, two trying to rob me. I beat the living crap out of a guy who was about to rape a young 16 year old girl, and the other guy, well, he was w wanted felon, and is still in jail. A fringe benefit. Hand guns carry too much bagged. I carry a small piece of wood that has a carbide plug that sticks out of one end around 3/4's of an inch, and goes deep into the Oak handle. It can poke a few holes in a skull, and then you just watch the red water works spring up. It is a Kung Fu weapon, you'd never see it in my hand. In Kung Fu, everything is a weapon. Which can also be used against you, the double edged sword syndrome. :)
OK, so now I need to say this publicly accusing these witches, if need be pull this down. My post was deleted. Cowboyman lied about not deleting threads there. That pisses me off more than a Klingon at a barbeque full of tribbles. THATS ONE. DO YOU WANT TWO?
OK, so now I need to say this publicly accusing these witches, if need be pull this down. My post was deleted. Cowboyman lied about not deleting threads there. That pisses me off more than a Klingon at a barbeque full of tribbles. THATS ONE. DO YOU WANT TWO?

also posted a list of outright, Bold Faced Lies,he is IS A BOLD FACED LIAR. They say I have "issues', what about these people who have never contacted or corresponded with me, coming up with this tripe. I have deleted every person in that thread who had something negative to say from this forum. Not Banned, Deleted, Expunged. I will also delete their posts as I come across them, at my leisure. How far up Rickstef's ass does AirDave have his nose buried anyways. He gets away with murder. We have around 30 or more members who left that form because of AirDave. He caused UHU02 to close his forum last time. Rickstef would not dear contact UHU02 or re-post that thread. I warned him in that thread . Rickstef deleted UHU's only post at
(the forum formerly known as a forum) with UHU02 blaming AirDave, and UHU02 saying he was closing his forum because of AirDave. Ricstef (or whatever he's called) deleted the whole thread, he burned that bridge a long time ago. Rickstef knows this is the truth. He complained constantly that Jason was not compensating him enough for running that forum in PM's to me. Why? I have no idea. Why would I care? I told him not to get me involved and to talk to Jason about it. I copied all of Ricstef's P.M.'s to me, to Jason. I got tired of being involved in something that did not involve me and I had no interest in. That's how Ricstef is, he is nice to one day, then bashes you the next, I had enough of him. I knew my time was coming to an end, especially when I told them they had no right to share UHU02's work, o which they wrote "it's free anyways". You will never find that thread, Ricstef deleted it along with UHU02's one and only post. That's a fact.

Rickstef's diatribe was supposed to be some kind of closure to the mob lynching he participated in, and as the Administrator of that forum, give the evil vindictive nastiness, it's validation. Then you see the same people "throwing pearls at swine" in the misguided support of their Imperious leader. Nope, it's not over, not yet.

I will hide this thread eventually, but keep it for the next time, then show how some things never change.
Ju-Jitsu eh! I studied Sil-Lum Kung Fu for around 10 years. :)

now I know I'm in the right forum...

Akido and Combat Kendo for around 10 years here...
I made purple and was studying for black when I broke my back... Still keep proficient with Bo, Han Bo, Diato, and Katana.
Like Minds and Souls!! ;)
I normally do not get involved with the politics there, however, when they start attacking what we have built here, I have to step up and set the record straight. :exterminate::fight: Even if I wind up catching a barrage of fire. :robot1::fireguy::flag:
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There was some kind of pseudo apology about "a" post deletion. The main point of this post is that was what written down on the original thread. What was written was that I delete "posts", as in plural. What is not realized is our members can delete their pots at any time, or alter them. We trust our membership, so find no need to set a 15 minute rule. It's not sincere apology, it is backpedaling, and trying to save one's own face for opening their mouth in a mob mentality, and spouting bold face lies. As the rest of Texman's statements were just that. He has forever lost face, and will always be considered a liar, and a double talking puppet. A man should stand on his own two feet, and stop worrying about what others will think. Calling yuo out on this Texman, you are a liar, and have proven that over and over. Stop referring to this forum, and just go ride into the sunset, nobody gives a rat's ass as to what you or anyone other rabble that infests that forum has to say. I will keep posting till we no longer hear from that mob of stupidity that exists over there. The crap rolls downhill. I just had a full meal, and have many miles to go before I sleep. :mooner:
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Getting my ass chewed out for entering into that. Seeing so clearly now that I am there simply to get free models and also because of only maybe 3 other modelers that are friendly and interesting to me, that didn't join here for reasons I don't know. It reminds me of wolfs in sheep's clothing chasing off rams from the herd. [ a very interesting European fold tale if you run across it.] So, anyway I'm back to my little starships again while I wait for my life to unfold. I am certainly going to wait until im not being chased off to leave there. Don't know if I will did-enroll or just leave my carcass hanging outside their fence. Tired of winning arguments in bars and then having the rumors spread that they got the upper hand. It's a well-trod pattern I see so much of that I actually carry a barf bag around just in case.
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