This is for my Son David


Registered Member
Dec 17, 2000
My Son David is a computer wizzkid who spends all day at his self employed business, then comes home and writes programmes for various companies. In fact if he could marry a computer, he would.
That by the way is the name of his company.



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My Railroad is in a time tunnel from the early 40's throught to the late 70's. If I want to back date it, or go forward in time I just change the rolling stock and some of the structures, and have fun.

I like the store! Personal references to family and friends are a fun layout addition. I have a ready-mix company named after friends whose outrageouly long and steep set of concrete steps leading to their house has given me plenty of exercise. I've named a bike shop after another friend who rides all the time, and my wife Susan likes to point out "Susan's Quilts" which is located right next door to "my" hobby shop. :)
What other kinds of tributes have you all made on your railroads?

My stepson is the same way. As a matter of fact i think he did marry his!
If this seen was on my layout that would be me in the delivery truck bringing in more puters for him to work on. Looks like that rear wheel finally fell off. He's wishing i'd get that broke down old truck fixed and off the lot 'cause it's cramping his hitech style.
He can't complain about the building though, I own it and "leased" it to him for free. ;)

In the town of Millers Creek on my CM&S, I have "Johnson's Cider Mill," home of "Blondie's Applejack." It's named for a former neighbor and good friend who the rest of us in the neighborhood claimed could outdrink anyone - man or woman. And she usually could.. until the night she met my wife and Schnapps. Lost that one..... :D :rolleyes:

Anyway, the Cider Mill is a scratchbuilt structure based on an E.L. Moore article that appeared in RMC in the late 70's.
It's nice to see high-tech moving into the timber industry, Shamus! :D Very nice work, & a neat little scene.:cool:

My little N scale switching layout is called the Four Sisters's an industrial branch of my fictional Kentucky & Indiana RR. Everything on the layout is named after my four daughters. (hence the name of the branchline. :) )
Another great structure Shamus which I am sure is located somewhere in the Badger Creek area.
Naming buildings after others is fun. All my recent ones are named after NARA members.