There's no way out of here.


Oct 5, 2013
While looking around the internet for any kind of paper model templates and models that will help me with my grand vision of the project that's been slowly bubbling on the brain back burner for a couple years, I came across a particular gem.
The model of the P-51D (F-51) flown and crashed, restored and eventually in the hangar at one time of David Gilmour, from E-card models thrilled the crap out of me.
I know there is a free model of the Gnat that he owned as well, and I have that, but I wasn't aware some one had designed the specific David Gilmour P-51, until now.

That said, the paper model Ive been sloooowly planning and thumbnailing out here and there is basically this.
A short section of the wall... really only several bricks, with one of them being open at the front, like when it was on tour.
Inside is a total build up of Pink's apartment, with the TV going, a recliner, and on the wall is a bunch of those guitars from the site that has a bunch of those miniature guitars, and on the opposite wall is the images of the gerald scarfe artwork rising up behind him.
A paper model of a girl facing the wall with the guitars, doesn't see the flowers rising up behind her and Pink, who is in the chair.
I may actually slightly change the inside of the immediate setting around Pink in his chair.. leaving the rest of the apartment relatively empty except the girl and the guitars.
The area around Pink will likely reflect the scene where he is still in front of the TV but he's outside, in a war arena, with a tree nearby, the boy (him)standing in front of him and some grass and brush..minimal so it doesn't get too busy.
I may also reflect Pink undergoing the faceless meat puppet change, sitting in the chair.
Thats my idea. Its a bit down the road, but when I start it, I will refine the templates and pieces I make, to submit for downloads for anyone interested.
Comfortably Numb.....

From one PF fan to another ........

I WILL BE FOLLOWING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb:

Excellent Dan. If you have ideas you'd like to add, Id be open to them. I can always do a second paper diorama as well.

Rogerio. I agree. Its a great picture. I personally like the image off the Relics album the best. The one with the giant stylized pan flute like instrument.
Avatar Change

So the new image in the Avatar, is a guy that I used to take care of who has Cerebral Palsy among some other circumstances.
His last name is O'brien, but then we found out he was adopted and he was actually Polish which was reallly cool to me because I am too...and German, but that aside, we got along so well.
He couldn't talk. all his communication was through little noises and moving his arms the best he could.
The single most awesome guy ever.
Yes that is very true. sometimes I get a bit burned out about my job, but then I have frequent reminders of how much I need to shut my mouth and how even the smallest things that seem so irrelevant or without consequence, are really easy to take for granted, and it matters HUGE that I am doing what I do.
One of the things Ive done within past few years, is to download some of the free paper models that are not already precolored, along with the pages out of a couple paper model books I have of WW II fighters and Modern Fighters, photo copy off a bunch of those pages, and take them to work, and let them color the heck out of all the images.
Now the coloring is pretty much alllll over the map and there's no such thing as stay in the lines, but the color is put to the pages all the same.
After that, I bring them home and then go to work treating them like any other paper model, reinforcing, creating bulkheads and form and ribs etc where there are non, to give it correct shape, substance etc.. sometimes going extra mile and modifying the original model design, and dropping flaps or moving rudders where they didn't before.
I usually cut out all the individual glass panes from the canopy framing and replace it with a colored penciled image of a gradiating blue image behind the cut framing.
Then I give it back to them, to hang from a ceiling or put on a shelf in their room,
Man oh man you should see the smiles and sense of accomplishment on their faces. as far as they're concerned they made the whole thing and they make sure to tell you alll about it.
It's awesome.
aww heck.. well Im not worthy of that for sure, but I do appreciate your generous spirit and friendship kind sir.
I'll do a short build thread of a few of the pages, starting with pics of the pages still unbuilt and just colored, and then go from there, and then some pics of the final builds.
McGee: I just read what it is that you do. I have to commend you on such efforts.
This is one of the true meanings of what being a HERO really is.
I can imagine the smiles on their faces when they see the plane that they had "painted", built and put on display.
If you can please post some photos of some of the models.

Thank you for sharing this with us all.
Yes, please do post some of those models. We here at Zealot would appreciate the love and care given to this project that you have set your heart into. If just one person has enjoyed the fruits of your labor, then it is all worth the accomplishment. Enjoy and see you around the forum.

BTW, nice painted ladies, it shows in the end.
Hey Everyone. I would love to post some of the pics when they are done. I actually have several of the pages that have already been colored,still as templates unbuilt.
I had done a page of a WWII fighter several years ago,that I gave to one of the guys that I took care of. He had pretty pronounced Downe's Syndrome..but he lived to be mid 60s. Sadly, I never got to finish the build before he passed away.
But yes, there is such a huge joy to see the huge smiles on faces when they get their projects back all finished up.
My favorite part is how weeks later, they still find a way to incorporate the airplane or helicopter or car they "they made" into a conversation, and brag about the thing they did.
I think that having something in front of them that is a physical built up reminder of their creativity and accomplishment really makes them feel awesome. That's the best ever.
Thank you all for your kind words and I will post pics shortly.
BTW, nice painted ladies, it shows in the end.[/QUOTE]

hahahaha.. even more brilliant word play on the Pink Floyd image. you guys are killin me.