The Uhu02 appreciation thread

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UHU's Model is officially in the "Library" now, so absolutely no hints, clues, to anybody or anyone. Nothing but "Appreciation in this thread.

Anyone with any questions regarding UHU02's models must P.M. Rhaven Blaack or me, Zathros. Thank You all for your understanding, and for those of you who know why, Thank You for putting up with these notices, as you would think people knew better by now. :)
I'm going to be chomping at the bit for his next project, as i was for this beaut. I really love that Pan Am Orion design.
UHU's Model is officially in the "Library" now, so absolutely no hints, clues, to anybody or anyone. Nothing but "Appreciation in this thread.

Thank you for the heads up! Again, Thank you UHUO2 for putting up with this "piracy" stuff for so long...This is the price that is paid when people who are desperate and greedy find out about a hobby like this....
If UHU decides to re-open his "Library", we will all be even more grateful. If he does not, well, if you have been keeping up, you should have a couple of years worth of models to build. UHU has given some of the finest models I have ever seen, for FREE! So we Thank UHU, and let's leave it at that. Posting pictures in this thread of finished models is a great way to show appreciation. No more speculation though on what UHU will or will not do. This kind of speculation does nothing, so no more of it, Please! Thanks. When he decides on his next move, he will let us know, he always has. :)
I just tried Uhu02's site and tried to download a page of the LEM, worked fine. Password is still the same. His ISP could have been having problems. If you can't download, try again later or the next day.

To Uhu02

For all of the wonderful models you have made available to the world, Domo Arigato Gozaimasu Uhu-sama.


If UHU decides to re-open his "Library", we will all be even more grateful. If he does not, well, if you have been keeping up, you should have a couple of years worth of models to build. UHU has given some of the finest models I have ever seen, for FREE! So we Thank UHU, and let's leave it at that. Posting pictures in this thread of finished models is a great way to show appreciation. No more speculation though on what UHU will or will not do. This kind of speculation does nothing, so no more of it, Please! Thanks. When he decides on his next move, he will let us know, he always has. :)
I just tried Uhu02's site and tried to download a page of the LEM, worked fine. Password is still the same. His ISP could have been having problems. If you can't download, try again later or the next day.

To Uhu02

For all of the wonderful models you have made available to the world, Domo Arigato Gozaimasu Uhu-sama.


Verified. I wish you had not posted that without checking with me first.

From now on though, Nobody, not anybody, nobody, no one, post anything about UHU library access without me (zathros), or Rhaven Blaack, first. This is just an appreciation thread. So no more. I want to make this very clear. No more. Keep to the subject (Appreciation) and avoid comments on availability. "Keep in it your pants", as some would say.

The only time the availability of a model will be posted in a thread about that model that is being developed. Gixergs is the one who has been on top of it, and I would like to have him be the source as to the development. Once it goes into the Library, the best appreciation you can demonstrate is by having a build thread of your own on one of his models. Once if goes into the Library, the rules become very stiff. Common sense stuff. We're trying to keep the pirates at bay, right? :)
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My apologies, Zathros, if I posted something inappropriately. I was merely trying to assure the community that it didn't seem to be a disabled site, but rather ISP problems. I shall no longer post about Uhu-02's site without checking with you first.


Verified. I wish you had not posted that without checking with me first.

From now on though, Nobody, not anybody, nobody, no one, post anything about UHU library access without me (zathros), or Rhaven Blaack, first. This is just an appreciation thread. So no more. I want to make this very clear. No more. Keep to the subject (Appreciation) and avoid comments on availability. "Keep in it your pants", as some would say.

The only time the availability of a model will be posted in a thread about that model that is being developed. Gixergs is the one who has been on top of it, and I would like to have him be the source as to the development. Once it goes into the Library, the best appreciation you can demonstrate is by having a build thread of your own on one of his models. Once if goes into the Library, the rules become very stiff. Common sense stuff. We're trying to keep the pirates at bay, right? :)
It's all good. :)
After trying off and on for the past year i finally got it. Thank you UHU for your many wonderful models. You have created the models of my childhood influences.

Thank You
UHU02 is currently assembling the Orion Space Clipper and the work so far is fantastic! His attention to detail and commitment to accuracy is beyond anything I've ever seen. His paper models rival most injection molded kits and his builds are always the best! This kit is going to be a true prize for anyone.

Thank you, Sir! You are a true master of your craft.


The Orion III is completed, another masterpiece. The detailed cockpit and cabin are fantastic. Thank you Uhu for another work of art, that everyone will be proud to build and add to their collection.
Best regards,
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UHU has done it again! This model has been wanted by me for such a long time, and that it has an interior is just unbelievable! :)

I counted 207 assembly and assorted photos, can anyone verify this?
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UHU has done it again! This model has been wanted by me for such a long time, and that it has an interior is just unbelievable! :)

I counted 207 assembly and assorted photos, can anyone verify this?

Yep, I downloaded it yesterday and, I have to say... This is one of the BEST kits I've ever seen! Sadly, the master himself says "I can't see it" in regard to the interior but that can always be built as a separate display. I was thinking I might try to add some lighting (as LEDs come very small, generate almost no heat and can run on light weight button cells) to see if that makes the interior anymore visible. The ambitious modeler might even consider using some transparencies to do a "Cutaway" version of the kit as well.

Apart from that, this model captures all of the smooth lines and grace of the filming miniature which is a marvel when considering it's a paper kit.

Thank you once again, Uhu02! Your work is beyond measure!


UHU02 has gone beyond the fantastic again. This is one of my all time favorite movie vehicles and it a joy to see a paper design so splendidly conceived. I like the idea of lighting or cutaway, but just the pleasure of putting the interior there will probably be quite satisfying. I think at least half the benefit of models is the building process itself.
Thank-you UHU02 for another wonderfully detailed model, the amount of details you put into the ATST are breathtaking. You never cease to amaze me with the amount of detail you put in all your projects. I would like to figure out how you can accuratly fold such small parts. You make it look effortless and perfect each time. Thanks again for sharing all your projects with us here.
Best regards,
@uhu02 I want to say "THANK YOU" for all of the work that you have done and wonderful models that you have made over the years!
I have made a few of your models (the Colonial Viper (which I won an award for), The Tie-Interceptor (which I made for a friend as a gift), and Tinker Bell (again this was a gift for a friend).).

I have GREATLY enjoyed each and everyone of you models that I have built. I find them challenging and they help me improve my skills as a builder.
After building your Viper (and the diorama that I built around it), I had shown it at a SCI-FI convention and a Paper Model Expo. I received MANY compliments and good comments about it.
The amount of detail that you put into these models make them museum quality.

THANK YOU!!!thumbsupthumbsupthumbsup
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I still have a promise to keep... ;) (The AT-ST is waiting, and my Viper still needs a final presentation...thumbsup)

I am still in awe of your models and your skills, UHU02, and the Argo will be one of the finest creations I have ever seen.

I too thank you for your tireless work, your contributions and your kind and generous nature. It is an honour having you aboard. I bow before you. :Drinks:

Revell-Fan :)
A great Thank You to UHU02 for the Orion.
Another great model, and one I think I could manage to build (the lunar lander is awesome but painfully detailed)
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