The Uhu02 appreciation thread

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W O W !!! to you guys who built these beautiful models - Not only the great design skill made these work... but your build skills show out.... NO they SHOUT out PERFECTION. A+ DESIGNS and A+ BUILDS = :goldcup::goldcup::goldcup::goldcup::goldcup: :thumb:
Uhu's creations most certainly deserve a spotlight. They are, to say the least, intimidating. Beautiful and stunning barely describe them. I cant wait to try to build some of his models (C-3PO, Robbie, Valley Forge). I'm only afraid that I wont come close to doing them the justice they deserve.
An incredible model of the famous sci-fi prop! How does one go about finding this beautiful paper version of the George Pal TimeMachine? I would love to build one for myself! I've been a fan of the movie since i first saw it in 1960! I have built plastic resin kits of the Time Machine, but I love working in paper! How do I find the access code for uhu02's fantastic models??? Where do I start to look? Please help!
uhu02's Incredible Time Machine

hi rbeach
epson cx8600 printer
printed on 220gsm matt paper a4 size @ %100 (smaller parts on 90gsm)
after completion 2 applications of semi-gloss acrylic clear (brushed on)

ps. a really enjoyable model to build.....its really not that hard and any intermediate builder will find this quite easy.
dont be intimidated by this really is superbly designed

i would love to build one of these fantastic models...where do I begin to look for access to uhu02's paper model library on this site? Please help!
Ok.... I read the first thread.... tried various words and phrases, even uhu02's 'join date and location'... nothing worked. I kept on getting the same 'user/password' box. If there is a clue in the first thread post of this thread, I can't find it... whatever it is. Since I know that I am somewhat intelligent enough to have found his website and the 'LIBRARY" link,I suppose that frustration goes with 'guessing' the right clue. I know that my user name and password do not work either. I even tried that little key.jpg link in the lower left corner of the post... no luck. I'll admit defeat and stop trying. Thanks for the help, anyway.
post some more build pics guys....btw....i just started gen11 :thumb: and its lots of fun . i'll post some build pics in another thread and the finished result here

marcelo that looks awesome....great build :thumb:

zealot user


cant be any easier than that sign1
Don't give up!

It's right in front of you in the thread. You'll slap your forehead once you realize it. Trust me, it's worth the pursuit. And you'll face palm once you realize how obvious it actually is.

Tried everything I could think of... I have never been very good at guessing games. Two word combinations, word to photo substitutions, and the frustration and utter irony of it all still eludes me somehow... simple or not. I don't think I will ever 'see' it...
If it is there, then my ability to 'see' it is fading after so many failed tries... :cry:wall1:confused::confused::cry:
It's less of a guessing game than you think it is. I was in the same boat you're in now a few moths ago. Trust me, I felt like an idiot for not recognizing it sooner. I assumed that it was much more cleverly encrypted that it really is. I stepped back, looked at the clues that Uhu left (there are more than one). then it hit me like a slap in the face. I was glad when I was alone when I finally discovered it. Because I couldn't believe how blind I was, and I felt like I'd found the Holy Grail. Well...I did...Uhu's engineering skills are genius. His creations are works of art, and well worth your time. The time spent solving this puzzle should just increase the value you place on having access to this treasure trove of craftsmanship.

I wish I could help more, but not only will I be violating Uhu's trust, as I stated above It'll just mean that much more to you when you do figure it out.
It's less of a guessing game than you think it is. I was in the same boat you're in now a few moths ago. Trust me, I felt like an idiot for not recognizing it sooner. I assumed that it was much more cleverly encrypted that it really is. I stepped back, looked at the clues that Uhu left (there are more than one). then it hit me like a slap in the face. I was glad when I was alone when I finally discovered it. Because I couldn't believe how blind I was, and I felt like I'd found the Holy Grail. Well...I did...Uhu's engineering skills are genius. His creations are works of art, and well worth your time. The time spent solving this puzzle should just increase the value you place on having access to this treasure trove of craftsmanship.

I wish I could help more, but not only will I be violating Uhu's trust, as I stated above It'll just mean that much more to you when you do figure it out.

Ok...I tried again...different combinations of words from uhu02's cryptic luck with words I type in the library window at his site. Everyone keeps saying how simple it is to figure! Thanks, everyone, for all of your help!
No guesswork is needed at all... Well, ok, the only guess you need to make is that the word "pass" is short for "password"....

Sent you a PM, although the game is sort off fun, It can get annoying too. So no more suffering...

Yep! It was that 'pass' bit that messed me up a bit..along with the fact that I used the wrong type case of letters while typing various words! Marcelo43 helped me to realize my mistakes!
As you said, ThunderChild, it was so plainly simple, if it had been the proverbial 'snake'...well, I think you know the rest! sign1

I finally got in and I have to agree with everyone here... uhu02's work is ABSOLUTELY TOP CLASS! Finally downloaded 'The Time Machine' and 'Tink'! Hope to get them built,photographed and posted here, soon!
Thanks everyone for all your help and understanding in my temporary loss of common sense! :mrgreen:
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