The plan for the MAT


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
Here is my layout plan. It is in a room 26ft by 11ft. and is double decked. The left side of the plan is the lower level and the right side is the upper level. This is a point to point but with a turn around combined with staging tracks at each terminal.
The area that links the two levels started out as a helix but after three turns I brought the track out into a series of spiral tunnels. The layout is about 2/3 complete but changes have already been made and will continue so please, any ideas will be welcome.

NARA member #2 MAT
Hi Robin,
Love the track plan, what is the height between the two decks? Hell of a nice area with a 14 stall roundhouse in place.

On the Tayside staging area I notice that you have a double reversing loop,in other words, a reverse loop inside a reverse loop.

The main loop under the (G) in staging, and the other loop above the river. This could cause if not wired correctly a feed back problem.

On the Maberly side just a standard reverse loop is installed.

Also nice to see a logging line, now we can interchange between Badger Creek and M&T.

What was thinking!!! I haven't laid the track into Tayside yet so will have to change the plan to the same as it is at Maberly. That is why I put the plan here so you could help me which you have done.
Thanks very much Shamus.
The vertical difference between the decks is 20 inches. The lower deck is 42 inches above ground and the upper level is 62 inches above ground. To be honest, if I was doing this again I would go with a single level even if it means less distance. Working on the upper level isn't bad but a bit awkward to reach in and have to use a step stool. I like the viewing as it is closer to eye level. The lower level is a birds eye view and not too bad but unrealistic. Working on wiring below the lower level is a absolute pain. Now my preference would be to have a whole layout between 55 inches and 60 inches from the ground.

NARA member #2 MAT
I have always had an interest in logging so will have the trees cut in the Justice area. The line to it includes a trestle which I love. Logs will be loaded onto trains then transported to Drummond where the saw mills will be, much as they are along the lower Fraser river in BC.
I must admit, I don't like seeing the clear cutting we see when travelling through BC but the replanting is going on for future use so not too bad. Its just mountain slopes don't look right without tree cover.
Yes we can have an interchange through NARA which I already have with Catts GVR. The only problem is a lack of logging locos in N gauge. I know I can use deisels but steam would be my preference. Maybe I will have to try to make my own.

NARA member #2 MAT
Hi Robin,
Don't worry about using diesel units for the interchange,and the logging line, NW2's have been used in the past by prototype companys.
My little bit of heaven is having a rather large face lift, all track is now in and ballasted. (Now thats a pain).
Now the fun can start with the scenery.

cheers friend.

If the length from the turnout near the word staging to the turnout under the town name of Tayside is longer than the longest train you will want to run through it, then you can leave the plan as is, and the reverse section would be that section only. Then the siding can remain. I wouldn't want to lose the flexibility.

Regards, Gary