The light at the end of the tunnel

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Our worries are over - I have just submitted an application for Federal bail-out money to keep the light fully operational.

I have argued that without bailout money model railroaders will be left in the dark and thus forced to give up their hobbies; this, in turn, will force closure of all LHS's and ultimately create a negative impact on our current relations with China by shutting down thier market for model trains and related products, and may knock the DOW back down again as well.

It is my understanding that rather than risk a further collapse of the American economy, not to mention the righteous wrath of thousands of wives whose husbands are no longer kept busy and out of their hair, Washington intends to give favorable consideration to this request...or, as I told them, it's a @#$%&* cheaper than bailing out the auto industry, and a whole lot safer.
The first check was deposited this morning, and in keeping with current government policy, it was twice what I asked for and four times what I really needed! :thumb:

The money wasn't deposited in a Illinois bank was it?:eek:

Nope...nor was it deposited in Citibank or any of those criminal investment outfits.

Now I'm asking additional bailout funds to hire a caretaking staff to maintain the light. Since I promised not to outsource those jobs, I should have more money by the end of the week. :cool:
Did you ride into the DC town on your luxurious, fully outfitted Pullman coach..??

Who, me? Do you know how hard it is to fit myself into one of those in N-scale? Besides, there isn't any passenger service to DC except maybe from Denver by AMTRAK, and if I wanted to go "Pullman", I would have to ask for another billion or so to pay for it. Not only that, but by the timne I got there, I would probably have forgotten the purpose of my trip. :cool:
Who, me? Do you know how hard it is to fit myself into one of those in N-scale? Besides, there isn't any passenger service to DC except maybe from Denver by AMTRAK, and if I wanted to go "Pullman", I would have to ask for another billion or so to pay for it. Not only that, but by the timne I got there, I would probably have forgotten the purpose of my trip. :cool:
Yeah and
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