Tank track jig and tutorial video


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018

YouTube from TinkerTerrain's channel from over 10 years ago. While he used Evergreen platicard stock, I suspect his track jig (for a scratchbuilt Baneblade tank for 40K no less...) would work in paper as well. I might have to make one...
Thanks for the tutorial. I might have used a cloth strip, or rubber strip, if you could find rubber thin enough. This would give the tracks more individual movement, they would lay on the bogies better, maybe. Looks great though, as all your work does. ;)
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Thanks for the tutorial. I might have used a cloth strip, or rubber strip, if you could find rubber think enough. This would give the tracks more individual movement, they would lay on the bogies better, maybe. Looks great though, as all your work does. ;)
Not my tutorial, just something I found searching for paper card scratch building on YouTube. Well worth reviewing though, it's a 10 year old video.
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Interesting, I think it should have cuts with an X-acto knife between the tracks to make them bend easier more independently, and make the tracks more independent. Just my 2 cents worth, which about a cent of value. ;)