T-60 Power Armor build (Fallout 4) [FINISHED]


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
Hello again!

So I promised something epic ... aaand I'm still not sure I will have the patience for this template of mine, but I did start on building it anyways :p
Basically I intend to build part of Fallout 4's main menu.
Phase 1 will be the power armor itself.
Phase 2 will be the rig its hanging from.
Phase 3 will be Dogmeat
Phase 4 will be some of the garage and clutter.
(I probably won't expand it any further after Phase 4...if I ever get that far)

I've started on the armor pieces just so I can get the "easy stuff" out of the way.
T60_00_01.jpg T60_00_02.jpg T60_00_04.jpg
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Sorry colors are still off on build pictures due to desk lamp/mobile phone camera.
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So after getting trough Christmas without getting food poisoning :p ... Merry Christmas to everyone BTW :) ... finished with most of the leg armor pieces today. Definitely way too much polygons were left in this template, but oh well no pain no gain. :D
T60_02_01.jpg T60_02_02.jpg T60_02_03.jpg T60_02_04.jpg T60_02_05.jpg
T60_02_06.jpg T60_02_07.jpg T60_02_08.jpg T60_02_09.jpg T60_02_10.jpg
The knee and the foot is still missing, but it is coming along nicely.
Another masterpiece being put together!! Excellent!! :)
I do see some greebling potential.

Yes I am thinking about it because the frame looks a bit flat on places, even with the details printed on them.
But the really thin parts (most of them) often get to their final shape after the final assembly, so if I do any greebling it will be after the armor is standing. Case in point the front frame for the chest was much more curved till I forced the neck plate into it :S
(...btw didn't know the name for the technique so thx for that :p )

I was actually thinking on adding some piping/cabling as part of the armor's servo system that would be normally under the outer armor plates.

We will see ... ;)
Keep up the GREAT WORK! You are doing a FANTASTIC JOB!
I fully understand working with fiddly parts and having to manipulate them to work the way that you want (and how frustrating it can be at times).
I am looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
Hi all!

Got a little side tracked with other things of late (ekhm ... Fallout 4 survival mode playthrough ... ekm ... modded to the gills) but started up building again.

Mostly worked on more pieces of the frame. I'm using cardstock strips on the inside so the edges don't get squished when I'm warping the finished pieces to final forms. The edges of the "holes" are usually glued there without any flaps since the cardboard inside offer decent contact points.

Since image upload is down I will just put in a OneDrive gallery link here.
Looks GREAT.... I meant to ask awhile back..got side-tracked also...in your post you mentioned in passing...that you are posing the armor before you start working on it..so my question is what do you use..:)
Looks GREAT.... I meant to ask awhile back..got side-tracked also...in your post you mentioned in passing...that you are posing the armor before you start working on it..so my question is what do you use..:)

Depends on what do I have access to, a few years back I still had student licence for Maya which was great. I think my last serious self-posed model was created with that.
Nowadays I'm trying to get by with Blender, which I don't really like, but I don't have access to anything better. And since I tend to suck with it, my templates remain more complex/high-poly than they should be :(
For these Power Armors I am lucky, because Beth makes some really nice loading screens that are basically pre-posed 3d objects, so I just have to retopologise using those. (Similarly to the frost dragon I got from Skyrim back in the day.)
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OK..I used the same load screen idea on one I did from Skyrim for a Dragon Priest...I was just wondering as I know you can import the nif files as well as the anim files but I have never tried to import the anim with the nifs files into Niftools or Geck for Fallout. They are all free and there are importers to Blender and many others ..(but it is better to use an old version 2.49 I believe, as it is more stable) and using BSA browser to un-compress the Game Archives and get all the meshes/textures/anims ect! ...
Have to try it and see how well it works to import and export the posed mesh to Blender. Never tried to pose the file in blender, at least not in the way you have done!

Blender does take some getting used to..especially if you were using Maya before!! I hated it after using 3dsmax and Autocad! And now I can do things better in Blender then I ever could in anything else,and now trying to learn Rhino now has put me back into a love/hate situation...but once I figure someting out..It is great!
Yay! Image upload works again!

Here are some progress pics from the past few weeks:
T60_05_06.jpg T60_05_07.jpg T60_06_03.jpg
T60_06_04.jpg T60_06_05.jpg T60_06_06.jpg
T60_06_07.jpg T60_06_08.jpg
T60_06_10.jpg T60_06_09.jpg

Many many small pieces all curved in unpredictable shapes ... getting on my nerves actually :)
But the unarmored arm is template finished, except for the hand. Still thinking on what piping and such I should put on it ... if any.
That is an ambitious project, that I kow you are going to bang out, and cause many jaws to drop 'round the world. :)
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Main weight-bearing part in the shin, I think this might be the most complex single part in the model. Didn't manage to finish it this weekend unfortunately.
T60_07_01.jpg T60_07_02.jpg T60_07_03.jpg
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I will have to take a few weeks off from this project, because I have a 2 weeks work trip starting next weekend. So next update will be most likely in April.