Sudsy builds a Tauros (Patoroch)


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
I'm back! Just moved (closed on a new house on Valentines Day, FEB14...) and finally unpacked enough to start a project in my new area (see thread in the general catch-all area)

Before I packed everything up, I ended up downloading, printing, and clear coating Eli Patoroch's Tauros ( Day one of release no less. I was one of several who requested and tracked the project after all...


So, here we begin with the first sub assembly!

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Nothing too cosmic, just the front wheel wells. I'm thinking about how I'm going to detail that headlight wiring and the front suspension though. Will research some... But wont' sweat it... After moving, I dumped a lot of stuff we all call 'materials' in the trash that you just cannot justify moving across town. Though I saved enough, my friends and family still think I'm hoarding junk. I consider it a break even at this point! A compromise!


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I am glad to see that you are back in the saddle again and building models. I am glad that you are tackling this one. I am curious to see how your build turns out! I will be following this thread.
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Today's progress, March 17th 2020 (St. Patrick's Day). This is what I normally do when I can, so I can say it is a great blessing to have such a hobby when other people I work with panic about the lack of social gatherings at the bar (our Governor at the recommendation of the US CDC has limited public gatherings to 10 or fewer people...). I'm still able to get the store and buy what I need (as long as it's not toilet paper or hand sanitizer which people panic bought out of inventory in every store it seems). Having five sons and my wife, we typically have plenty of that stuff on hand anyway (and having just moved, we re-stocked last month).

I figured I'd bring in a Mad Robot minatures bitz and pieces driver and gunner. Sized the driver up, and modified the seat to suit. Added some solder as electrical lines to the head lights from what I assume is probably battery compartments. Other than that, just standard laminated parts and glue dot rivets.

Here are some progress updates. Mostly I got the brushguards and rear details done until I prime the main body. I added a paper clip handle to the assemble, and learned just how much of a pain too shor of a run of rod can be when bending that shape that close together... Might go to brass in the future!

Since we cannot go out as much (snicker, I never go out anyway I have five kids in the house... ok, I'm normally run pretty ragged with all their activities this time of year)...

...I got my five point harness and driver (Mad Robot Miniatures bits, Molle Torso, fatique legs sitting, fatigue arms from the gunners set, and CDF Head with respirator).

I used 1" (25.4mm) long strip of masking tape cut at 1/16" (about 1.5mm) width slices. I glued them in that star shape and added a circular cutout from my hole punch create scraps, lmaninated a smaller punch, and topped it with a glue dot button.

Using my above reference image of a built model (from DakkaDakka user Hungry Taz) I started work on the front tire. I was not able to achieve the convex shape of the tire rim, but the image informed my decision to build the tires with some deviation away from Patoroch's original parts. Here, once again, I use a method I found following one of Silveroxide's builds (which one, I wish I could tell you...).

I used my paper cutter and cut some 5/16" (about 7.5-ish mm) wide strips the lenght of the scrap paper of I recycled for this (width of either US Letter or an A4 sheet, not sure which sheet the scrap came from honestly). These would be the rubber tires. I then cut some 1/4" (5mm-ish) wide strips for the axle. Instead of rolling the sheets for the axle, I used some paper lollipop sticks I found in the candy making aisle of my local craft store (months back).

I cut off a 9/16" long (14mm-ish) section for each side of the front axle and tire assembly. I laminated the rims and punched out the hubs and test fit my paper stick axle. Once I was pleased with the fit I went to work first using the 1/4" strips to build up the axle to the desired outter diameter.

Once I achieved this, the rims I laminated were dry, and I cut them out. I then took a racthet and wrapped the 5/16" strips around it until I built up the tire to the appropriate outter diameter. My ratchet socket maintained my inner diameter, and I belive it was a 5/16" hex socket (my 8mm was a hair too large for the desired ID, and 7mm too small).

Once these were dry, I sanded the sides flate and then cut out the tread and wrapped them up. The effect is nice looking round tires, and very sturdy tires that won't compress as badly when (mis)handled on the wargame table!

Finally I started putting it all together. I placed my rim on the axle stick and spaced it one toothpick thickness off of my built up axle, and was about the size distance of the original tire design. I found some of my punches with the hub pattern on it, and glued them in place. Once these assemblies dry, I intend to come back and add dots of glue as lugnuts and other greeblies.

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It's amazing they way you bring these models of yours into being. :)
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I have just been informed by my son (who is a HUGE WH40K fan) that he wants me to build this vehicle. So, I guess, I will be using this thread as a guide to build it! Once again, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!
I have just been informed by my son (who is a HUGE WH40K fan) that he wants me to build this vehicle. So, I guess, I will be using this thread as a guide to build it! Once again, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!

Feel free to post questions. This is not as detailed a build thread as I've done in the past, but should give some good views of some bits and pieces and unusual cases I've encountered. But then, why stop at building one... I built three BMPs in the past! There a couple options for these after all!
Feel free to post questions. This is not as detailed a build thread as I've done in the past, but should give some good views of some bits and pieces and unusual cases I've encountered. But then, why stop at building one... I built three BMPs in the past! There a couple options for these after all!
Thank you! Once I start it, I will take you up on this offer!
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I finished up my roll cage using the cotton swab paper sticks I created cutting the ends off the swabs. I ended up triming a stick on either side until it landed where I wanted to. I did not glue to the vehicle yet as I wanted to be able to paint it and get everything that goes in painted as well.


From here I moved on to the ammo feed chutes by brushing on some acrylic black ink on the interior surfaces first.


Finally, primer!
