SU-47 Berkut Glider


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Holy smokes Batman!

Lookie what I found languishing on my hard drive needing to be built and refined!
2012-07-06 12.02.19.jpg

2012-07-06 15.09.46.jpg

Way back in 2012 I built this model. I was inspired by the old Whitewings kits I got when I was kid, and have since kept laminated carstock in the back of my mind as the best glider material I had access to. This however is one of the few gliders I made that could ever be re-produced. My experiments made as a child are sadly lost (mostly in the tree tops, thus the circle of life for the paper is complete...).

It flew pretty good...

2012-07-06 15.55.08.jpg

...though eye protection is highly encouraged!

I do enjoy the durability of laminated card stock. I found this one knocked out of the trees by the wind one day after some rain.

2012-09-01 10.09.05.jpg

It still flew alright.

Here is how I created the catapult hook so far:

2012-09-30 17.06.42.jpg

I like the Testors green wood glue, made for model rockets and balsa wood models, it has great strength to weight characteristics, and didn't warp the card stock like some of the PVA and wood glues I used in the past (granted, using Elmers was the problem in the first place).

I've posted the files in the Resources section! Found the .SVG file, so I will get that in there as well so you all have "Source" to play with!

About the SU-47:
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Your upload to the RESOURCE SECTION has been approved.
Thank you for sharing this with us!

Hopefully the design grows as people build it and provide feedback (or their own versions...)! Thanks! I might have another upload here shortly, found my Inkscape SVG file for it, so that will be the only change to the .zip file here.
Hopefully the design grows as people build it and provide feedback (or their own versions...)! Thanks! I might have another upload here shortly, found my Inkscape SVG file for it, so that will be the only change to the .zip file here.
You are more than welcome! These little gliders are great for projects for kids. When I was in Poland, I had attended a paper model expo. They had a few models like this for the children to build. I thought that the gliders were a great idea.
I look forward to seeing more of your work.
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