SS Agamemnon - The first 'modern' cargo carrier


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
New York, NY
I've been on a bit of a Joseph Conrad streak (blame my obsession with the Alien franchise) lately, and I figured I might as well do a model related to sea trade during the Victorian Era! I've always been fascinated with the tea clippers of the era, and by proxy, the SS Agamemnon, arguably the herald of the steam age and one of the first nails in the coffin for the old sailing ships.

For those of you that don't know, the SS Agamemnon was built in 1865, utilizing the recent advances in steam propulsion to produce a merchantman that was largely independent of wind and tide and could even surpass the tea clippers of the time in speed and reliability. Indeed, the Agamemnon would prove to be a success, providing some of the fastest trips to the British Orient.

Anyways, I've started the testbuild, so have some pics:



I'm a ship nut, so you know I love this already!! Can we host it (doesn't have to be exclusive, it's just convenient, you could take it down whenever you wished). ;)
I'm a ship nut, so you know I love this already!! Can we host it (doesn't have to be exclusive, it's just convenient, you could take it down whenever you wished). ;)

Sure thing, Zathros!! I'll put the file in the download section once everything's finished up.

And the model itself is done, so have some crappy pictures!


Thanks!! I love ships with a history to them. ;)
It would be very easy to greeble that ship and take it to another level!! :)