SpaceBattleship Yamato 2199 ~ 2202


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010
So far I watch Space Battleship Yamato from 2199 to Yamato 2202 episodes 21... I'm exhausted. But I'm also very excited. Yamato 2202 introduced a whole bunch of new and update/refit ships. Like the "Karakrum-class Combatant Ship", "Apollo Norm", and the Yamato sister ship "Ginga". And of course the "Yamato Final Battle Ver". They are all designer dreams and nightmares for me. All of them already released as a plastic model kit and in my hand. All but the "Yamato Final Battle Ver" that just released in Japan a little while ago so I can't wait to get that too.
Dig out my Yamato and I'm planning on refit that to try to make that into the "Final Battle Ver" than I'll plan to convert that to the "Ginga".
A few years ago I put my Yamato away because I got stuck on the cradle structural design. It is too weak to hold up the heavy ship and felt I need to put that aside and get back later with a fresh new idea. Well, I ignore that for a few years now... and I forgot where is the problem LOL! ... it looks... fine to me, LOL!
Anyway, with the plastic kit in hand or not, I still have to do research as usual. Just the image alone I think I'm ready to go. Then I came across a whole new Yamato concept I seen many many years ago... going have to do that one too. This is where the nightmares kick in... Too damn many things in my plate half done and keep adding on more... but I'm going to die trying doing them all... Final Battle ver first tho. 10577826b3.jpg 10577826t.jpg D2kAh81UkAEipF5.jpg 004_size6.jpg 007_size6.jpg 20919493_p1.jpg tumblr_nhbqvpgfho1sxm4gzo4_500.jpg c3554579d0602bb9599388adbcc8541d.jpg img_mecha3_5.png 019_size6.jpg
I seriously need to catch up on my Space Battleship Yamato. These new ships look GREAT! The new Yamato, with the huge dome, looks interesting.
You are doing GREAT WORK on this project!!!
You will found my brain is nothing but mush and storming out the coffee shop in absolute disgust.
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I doubt it. I'd like to be there! :)
I very seriously doubt that. From what I know of you, you are a very intelligent and talented person, with a great deal of life experience. I think that it would be interesting to just sit and talk with you.
  1. I think he is implying he doesn't like coffee
  2. Hurray!! More for me!!!
Really busy with a lot of projects but manage to put in a few minutes for Yamato tonight. The final battle ver got new radar. Still not sure how close I got till I get my hand on the plastic kit I so may have to do some correction. For now, it is good enough for a rough placeholder.
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That's awesome Allen. A hell of a lot of work too. Very impressive.thumbsup

Just curious, How's "Rick and Morty" going? :)
Thanks! I'm considering scaling it up from 1/350 to 1/200 scale to keep the details or I'll have to reduce details. Life is getting busy right now so Yamato is coming very slow. R&M is behind schedule keeping everyone busy as usual.
If my 2 cents worth advice has any sway, I think you should keep the model big, so no detail is lost. You have done a fantastic job doing this in Rhino. I like the "Pen" Rendering, it allows you to really see the details. ;)

p.s. We love R&M so much, I thank you for the update! :)
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Doing it right is the only way Allen (Goodduck) knows how to do anything. I am in awe of this man's work. Many do not know how much of his work they have seen without knowing it. I suggest everyone visit his websites, and get to know Allen (Goodduck). A man of his word, solid, and personable, and one of the most honest persons I have ever met. :)
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Taken care a little thing before life gets busy again. The v1 aa guns barrel is so small it is impossible to roll and I don't want flat barrel. The v2 thickness is better now and I like to have this little turret rotatable too. Decided to stay with the 1/350 scale to keep in line with other models. As is now the Yamato is a little over 30 inches. Bringing it up to 1/200 will push it up over 50 inches, 1/250 still over 40 inches. And that, of course, means if I do any other Star Blazer ships they all will have to match Yamat0 scale. 1/350 is good.07.jpg 08.jpg