Space Marines Vindicator


Active Member
Sep 20, 2013
Skarzysko-Kamienna Poland
Hello Wargaming modellers:)
I want to show You my first steps of Space Marines Vindicator building process.
Model designed by Eli Patoroch.
My mindset is to make best model i can.
My target is to build Vindicator Apocalypse Formation.
But before that I wanted to see how Elis model is designed, are there any mistakes etc.

Today I've started to build "testing model":



I'm sorry for poor quality of pics but I had to take snaps using webcam.
Eli has some great designs and the parts fit well. The only thing lacking, are build threads for all of his models. Some of us have made some threads in the construction of his models and I recommend to look them up. They can be of value when building one of Eli's models. By the look of the track sponsons, you are doing great. Keep up the good work. I tend to hand paint my models but his color versions are also very good. The reason I hand paint my 40K models, is that they come closer to the GW version that way. Have fun, enjoy and see you around the forum.
Even with the fuzzy pics, the linear, and fine fit shows, great start! :)
@Silveroxide: I must admit that Elis models are very good copies of GW & ForgeWorld kits. For this moment i can only complain for: "sometimes hard to read instruction", lack of suggested cardboard thickness and for this moment some rivets are "not exactly in spots they should be" but this is effect of model simplification :)
@Zathros: Thank You :) I hope sunday or monday I will be able to post better pics of track sponsors in "final version".
Hello Zealots.
Today I want to show You first steps in making "final version" of my Vindicator.
I started with track support parts. I attached all side panels to 1mm cardboard. I've little bit redesigned additional armour plates with exhaust mounting place:

And started to make exhaust parst.
1st step. Mount inner part to armour.

After glue dryed I covered whole inner part in super glue.

2nd step. Middle part. Parts where glued to 1mm cardboard.

After cutting out 1 part I've sharpened edges with sand paper:

And cut off first segment:

Again sharpen edges (it's a good idea to impregnate edges with super glue, it soaks in paper making it much harder), and place it into it's final place:

Same action was taken for other 2 seegments:



3rd step outer armour "ring" was made with same method but bottom part was glued only to second layer of printer paper.

And this is how it looks for this moment:

I hope You enjoy it.

Please feel free to comment, I will be very happy to read Your sugestions and opinions (even those bad).
Beastly looking machine. I would not want that coming after me! Very nice and very clean build. I enjoy the symmetry and geometric porportions. :)
Hello :)
Becouse of lack of time WIP have been stop for a while, but I'm back :)
For a "teaser" quick photo made yesterday evening :)
04.03.2014 - 1.jpg

I have to ask You all one question:
Do You wish me to continue WIP thread with all closeup photos, explaining techniques etc./ or just with photos of finished "stage" in building?
Cheers :)
First off, you are doing a GREAT JOB on building this model!
Secondly, I would suggest continuing your thread how ever you feel comfortable with doing it.
If you want to post it with closeup photos and explaining the techniques you are using to get the effects that you want, go for it.
If you want to post it with photos of finished "stage" in building, then go that rout.

The most important thing is, you enjoying this hobby.
You sharing your work with the rest of us, is your gift to us to enjoy.

Rhaven thank You :) I asked about thread style becouse I'm not sure is it helpfull for anyone :)
I must admit that this model (and as I see most of Patoroch designs) is very "user friendly" and allows modeller to adjust model to his skills. It can be very simple but have enought potencial to be highend workpiece if You only desire so:)
Actually both are very helpful.
If you feel that you can make a (more of a tutorial "step-by-step") thread that shows how all of the pieces go together, GREAT!!! I think that those who are thinking about building models like this for the first time will benefit GREATLY (as well as those who have bit it before, but may have ran into a few snags along the build and would like to know how to fix them).
I so would say GO FOR IT!
I for one would be interested in such threads (even though, I prefer the W40K planes over the tanks.)

I am looking forward to seeing your thread.

Hi Y'all :)
Here are 2 pics I've shot Yesterday:
CM140311-00343209.jpg I must admit that after adding more armour on the barrel i was unpleased becouse earlier it has some strange "classical ww2 tank" look :( but few minutes passed and I must say Vindi now looks more "Space Marines" :)
My sister suggested to make at the top rear part of model blinds instead of two fans and I must say that I love it :)
Top hatch have been reinforced with small pieces of 1mm cardboard "teeth".
And thats all for now :)
I hope You enjoy :)
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why are you unpeasand with the classical ww2 tank look it looks awesome to me.
Keep on the great job my friend
WM228 :) Don't worry my friend :) "WW2 tank" aka "naked barrel" will be back in ocasion of building chaos sm vindicator ;)
Btw. as works with this Vindi are getting to the end I want to ask you guys what wh40k build would you like to see on my "workshop"?
Next WIP thread I want to make in tutorial style so Your suggestions woulde be very appreciated :)
Thank You :)
How about something Alien, like Tau, Eldar (either Dark or regular race) Necron. There is an abundance of Imperial guard but little on the other races. Great work on your build and now I am waiting for the paint job. Enjoy and see you around the forum.
Silveroxide I can give a shot for some alien craft but I think that it means desing a new model. I saw some models published in web but their quality is hmm to poor for something that would give me satisfaction in building. As so, I can try to make something from "basics" but only as secondary project for moments of lot of free time:) ( I dont know did I write it right )
Patoroch has a few Tau vehicle in his inventory. I built the basic Piranha (open cockpit) a while back and Newjombi has an Eldar wave serpent which I also built but it is tricky in making those compound curves. There are a few Necron vehicles available and a bunch of Orky stuff. Almost no Tyranids except for that large Tyrant. They are all available in Armormans thread. Keep up the good work and I should join in again with some 40K stuff. Enjoy and see you around the forum.