Something Wonderful


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
In August my Sister told me that all options had been done. Her heart was failing. It was one of the hardest things I'd ever heard. My favorite person in this world could literally pass at any moment. She was put on the top of the Heart Lung transplant list at Duke University. Over the next 6weeks, 2 times she was called in, prepped for surgery, each time not knowing if she would wake up, each time the donor organs failing. The 2nd time, they had her prepped for the surgery when the donor organs failed. Needless to say, this took quite a toll on my sister, and all of us were on an emotional roller coaster ride. Not something I would wish on anyone.

On September 13, they told her to get to the Hospital. This was it. This was going to happen. A young woman had passed, and had donated her Heart and Lungs to be used. I grieved knowing that someone had passed, their last charitable act meant my sister would live.

24 hrs. later, I spoke to my sister. She was feeling as god as one could expect. Jump 6 days forward, she walked a mile, unassisted. She is now flourishing, and it hasn't been a month. She is staying in an apartment next to the hospital (as required), but this is her home now with her husband, who has been a rock through all of this.

The last two months drained me emotionally, which is why I haven't been around much.

I'm back, with renewed strength in my faith especially after seeing this miracle take place. my sister had been an advocate for PPH (Primary Pulmonary Hypertension), testifying before Congress about how this disease is killing so many people.

When the government fast tracked the two diet pills to be sold into one, called "Phen-Phen", over 500,000 people became ill with the heart problem my sister had. She was in many studies, they could not understand how she had lived so long. She should have died in her 20's, but she was 50 and still alive. She helped in pioneering new treatments by allowing herself to be the subject of medicinal trials. She was the longest living person with this illness in the U.S..

Now, she is doing very well. The amount of medicine and routine she has to go through every day is daunting, but she feels every minute she is alive, is a gift from god, and wishes to be a good Steward of what's been given to her.

I wish to thank you all for reading this. I have a link below, so you can read her story. It's quite inspiring. :)

Im so happy to hear your sister is doing so well and the reflection that it has on you. Its indeed very inspiering to hear and read such stories. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Thank You. I hope people read this for awareness, in the event they may know someone having problems, and can get to the right doctor. ;)
My faith has faltered many times, but it always comes back stronger than before. Your sisters story is so great, your standing by her shows such warmth, such love. I donate plasma twice a week to try to keep groceries in the house, but also to help those that the drugs made from plasma keep well. So many people go thru life just living for themselves, never thinking of helping others. A close friend of mine was killed in an accident working on a road crew, but his organs saved three people in Mississippi, his heart went to a young woman, his liver saved a man in his 40's, and his kidneys went to a young girl. Always, if you can, sign up as an organ donor, you never know who might benefit.
I share your happiness for your sister, I grieve for the life lost, and rejoice in the life granted. May God bless you, your sister, and your families.
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Thank you. I sincerely believe that positive energy has a palatable effect on the world and the people in it. We know that negative people can affect the world negatively, so the inverse must be true. I really believe we are all "in this boat" together. :)
This is really awesome news! I am so happy for you and your family. My uncle was on the edge not long ago, he needed a new kidney. After a seemingly endless period of time they found a matching one. He is doing pretty fine again today, too. :)
That's great. They seem to be getting really good at these types of procedures. ;)
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Her improvement astonishes me. Thing is, you never know for how long. She loves life, and takes it minute by minute. ;)
Tomorrow is promised to none, so live every day you get as if it will be your last. Never miss an opportunity to show someone how you fell about them.

Your sister serves as an inspiration to all, may God bless her, and you as well John.
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Thank You Micah. She has inspired many people. Her strength and perseverance is something I have always admired. :)
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Hopefully a minor complication. Surgery tomorrow to remove a cyst that an infection caused. The constant monitoring found it. The doctor who did the transplant surgery is doing the surgery tomorrow (or maybe tonight).
Hopefully a minor complication. Surgery tomorrow to remove a cyst that an infection caused. The constant monitoring found it. The doctor who did the transplant surgery is doing the surgery tomorrow (or maybe tonight).
I hope and pray that all goes well, and that your sister makes a strong and speedy recovery.
Best wishes from me as well. My uncle is revovering from a spinal disk surgery atm. He had been suffering from enormous back pain for several months now.
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