Solar Car & Sandman Car from Logan's Run


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
Hi fellows,

our dear member @Sky Seeker asked me if I would make the cars from Logan's Run. Well, I have taken a look at them and found out that they are fairly easy subjects. Moreover, I learned that the cars were fairly prominently used props which appeared on various TV shows and movies (one of the most famous being "Spaceballs"), similar to Robby, the robot, the Searcher bridge console and the Skimmer Neon prop by Modern Props which appeared on "The A-Team", "Knight Rider", "Star Trek: TNG" and many many more shows:



(and yes, this is one of my favourite SciFi props which definitely will be turned into paper one day ;) ).

So, under the premise that the cars would fit nicely into the Buck Rogers and BSG universe, too, I have swung into action. The Solarcar comes first.

First WIP: Determining the general shape.


Next: Drawing the first lines. Stay tuned! :)
I like it! It looks like you are on the right track (please excuse the pun. :bulgeeye:) I think that it will be a fun, easy, and interesting build. thumbsup


I really didn't think that I'd spark your design skills or imagination on this one! Just thought I'd bring it to your attention since the Buck Rodgers and BSG Landram vehicles looked sort of "close". SOOO glad I did though.:) What is really neat about this particular vehicle in the show they tried to pass the vehicle off as a hovercraft and the actors drove it around in the show. So it was a fully working vehicle (just not a real hovercraft). Too bad the show only lasted for a season.

Looking forward to your work and like watching the progress as you go through to figure out scales and such. A real treat for sure!

Sky Seeker
Hollywood used to make vehicles that used much sheets of metal, wooden frames, and would fit over a cut down car chassis. Done right, this is very effective. It made these series successful. In the movie, the "Battle of the Bulge", there's a scene in a town, where you can see the tanks are really trucks with fake bodies made on them. This wasn't noticeable on older analog T.V's, but on the newer stuff, you see everything.

This also leads me to my pet peeve about all the "Star Trek" franchises, except the reboot, they never drove vehicles anywhere, they would walk a few 1000 meters. That's a long distance on a strange planet. On a ship like theirs, they could have easily scanned, or beamed up a small vehicle, and made a facsimile to use, but I guess it was beyond their technology, or insurmountable by the writers block. Not even bicycles!! :)
Hollywood used to make vehicles that used much sheets of metal, wooden frames, and would fit over a cut down car chassis. Done right, this is very effective. It made these series successful. In the movie, the "Battle of the Bulge", there's a scene in a town, where you can see the tanks are really trucks with fake bodies made on them. This wasn't noticeable on older analog T.V's, but on the newer stuff, you see everything.

This also leads me to my pet peeve about all the "Star Trek" franchises, except the reboot, they never drove vehicles anywhere, they would walk a few 1000 meters. That's a long distance on a strange planet. On a ship like theirs, they could have easily scanned, or beamed up a small vehicle, and made a facsimile to use, but I guess it was beyond their technology, or insurmountable by the writers block. Not even bicycles!! :)

Au contraire oh wise one!


She's giving it all she's got Captain!
That wasn't in the show though. You know that bicycle is still being made? It folds very small!! Now I know where she got those legs from!! ;)
That wasn't in the show though. You know that bicycle is still being made? It folds very small!! Now I know where she got those legs from!! ;)

Detail details... those pesky little details.;) Yes and that was back in the day when actors had to sing, dance, and actually have talent and work for a living!

Sky Seeker
There's a sliding door on both sides. The door is open so that you look through the rear window right at the frame structure of the other side which gives that angled look. It's an optical illusion caused by the angle of the camera and the object.

Meanwhile I have guesstimated the height of the vehicle being about 1.85 m based on two screenshots with actors standing in line with the car. ;)
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Just thought I'd bring it to your attention since the Buck Rodgers and BSG Landram vehicles looked sort of "close". SOOO glad I did though.:)
You are welcome! :)

Ya know, I have watched the movie several time but I have never seen the series (like the "Planet of the Apes" TV show). When you posted the pictures of the vehicles I immediately thought, hey, that's interesting. When I learned that the props were re-used on other productions ("Spaceballs") I thought, yeah, maybe they could have been used in a third season of Buck Rogers (that never was). These cars are typical 1970s SciFi vehicles meaning that they have a distinct style. Low budget construction but fancy "future" aesthetics. In retrospect you could put them into the worlds of "Mad Max", "Blade Runner", "SHADO", "Thunderbirds", "Space 1999", "Buck Rogers", "BSG" and even "Star Trek" without making them appear wrong or displaced. They are very versatile little creations which deserve a paper version. :)
There's a sliding door on both sides. The door is open so that you look through the rear window right at the frame structure of the other side which gives that angled look. It's an optical illusion caused by the angle of the camera and the object.

Meanwhile I have guesstimated the height of the vehicle being about 1.85 m based on two screenshots with actors standing in line with the car. ;)
Oh, I see, thx for the detailled info.
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