So, what does your wife think?

In your opinion, what does your wife think of your model railroading?

  • I'm single, I can do what I like!

    Votes: 47 19.7%
  • She hates it with a passion, and wishes I'd stop

    Votes: 8 3.4%
  • She ignores it, and hopes the fad will pass

    Votes: 17 7.1%
  • She's occasionally makes the odd nice comment, provided I don't spend the mortgage

    Votes: 69 29.0%
  • She's supportive and is happy to admit it to her friends

    Votes: 55 23.1%
  • She likes it, and even joins in a bit here and there

    Votes: 38 16.0%
  • She's probably a better model railroader than me, and certainly more keen

    Votes: 4 1.7%

  • Total voters
I have been married nearly 44 years, and I have a real keeper! Over the years, she has:
Encouraged me to buy a boat, and spent every available day on board with me, cruising and fishing.
When I got in to amateur radio, she got her license, too and doesn't mind the towers in the yard.
Encouraged me to get in to model railroading, builds scenery and thinks it is the greatest thing in the world for the grandkids.

In addition, I followed my father's advice: "Son, if you can't marry a rich woman, marry one that can work!"

The biggest problem I have with her and model railroading is when we go to shows or hobby shops - I have to be sure she doesn't load me down with too many new projects!
How can your wife give you money to spend? Do you not work and have your own personal money to spend as you wish? I don't get this? How do women collect all the money that comes in the house, and then tells the husband, oh here's 20 dollars if you want you can go buy something for yourself this month. I'd loose it! Sorry, it may sound rude but really. I know there is monthly bills that need to be covered, mortgage, food, gas, insurance etc, but after all that, who is she to hord everything and give me 20 dollars when she feels like it. It's a 2 way street you both talk about what is to be saved etc. But both parties should have his and hers own savings account to spend and to do what he and she wants.

Sorry if this seems like a rant but I hate controlling women! No thanks not for me!
I've been married for 51 years now. From the start we each have had our own bank accounts and our own bills to pay. We're both retired now. She pays for her projects, food, phone, medical, travel, her hobbies, etc. I, with more income than she, pay the mortgage, insurance, autos, my hobbies, etc. It has worked well all these years and we've never had a financial argument. When I want to buy a train or other item, I buy it. No questions asked. Same for her interests, she gets what she wants when she wants it. It couldn't be better. But you have to marry the right lady in the first place. For all you young guys, be very careful when you pick your mate. It can be either boon or bust. A great adventure or a great misadventure. Bob
When the basement was in the design process we planned out where the best place for the train room to go,and when it came to painting the sky blue she called me at work to find out how high off the floor to paint and did a great job.When we start building the layout I know she will be there to help and also for painting clouds in the sky,but also she doesn't know how much all my stuff put together is worth and this something that could get me in trouble. Her big hobby is scrapbooking and she has quite a lot invested in it,and sometimes I even drive her to the stores for more supplies that are out of town.She does amazing work with pictures .
How can your wife give you money to spend? Do you not work and have your own personal money to spend as you wish? I don't get this? How do women collect all the money that comes in the house, and then tells the husband, oh here's 20 dollars if you want you can go buy something for yourself this month. I'd loose it! Sorry, it may sound rude but really. I know there is monthly bills that need to be covered, mortgage, food, gas, insurance etc, but after all that, who is she to hord everything and give me 20 dollars when she feels like it. It's a 2 way street you both talk about what is to be saved etc. But both parties should have his and hers own savings account to spend and to do what he and she wants.

Sorry if this seems like a rant but I hate controlling women! No thanks not for me!
The best business plan for me is to have the wife control the $$$$, otherwise I would have one helluva layout, a caboose in the backyard to house it, a harley in the garage, and a boat at the marina :twisted:However, we probably would have no electricity to run it, no lights to see it and no telephone to tell everyone about it!!!! sign1
The best business plan for me is to have the wife control the $$$$, otherwise I would have one helluva layout, a caboose in the backyard to house it, a harley in the garage, and a boat at the marina However, we probably would have no electricity to run it, no lights to see it and no telephone to tell everyone about it!

A lot of my male friends express surprise when they learn that I'm the one who does the budget and pays the bills, until they learn that (a) I spent 20 years as a financial analyst before I changed careers in 1998, and (b) if my wife was in charge of paying the bills, we'd get a raft of "Overdue" notices every month because she would forget to mail them on time. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, but one of the strongly contributing reasons we have stayed happily married for almost 33 years is because after the first year of our marriage (when we had a shared bank account and argued about money constantly) we created the her/his/ours system. She works and has accounts for her money; I work and have separate accounts for my money, and when it comes time to pay the joint bills (mortgage, cars, utilities, etc.), we both put money into the "ours" account & I write all the "general fund" checks. Whatever is left over out of our incomes is each of our respective businesses. I don't have any say in what she does with "her" leftover money, and she doesn't have any say over what I do with "my" leftover money. Result: nearly perfect financial harmony. To each their own, but this system has worked well for us.
My verbal pre-nup went something like this: "I am keeping my subscription to Playboy. I am keeping my Xbox. I am keeping my ping-pong table. I will still take road-trips with 'the guys'. And one day I will get back into model railroading."

However I did have to give up the drums, the aquarium, paintball, and my beloved '89 Jeep Wrangler soft top.

Oh well. Isn't that what marriage is all about - compromise?
Divorce the wife train97 and move in with the mother-in-law! :v8:

While I am into trains, my wife isn't. She claims I spend to much money on them, and that they are a waste of my time. She on the other hand has no hobby so it explains the bitterness I get from my other half. I am consistanly under pressure to stop spending money, altho I have taken other measures to help curb the spending, like using the infamous ebay auction. Things like two kato's for the price of one are the only things I will bid on. For those of you that have supportive wives, I envy you! Now the only thing that comes to my mind is, how do I convince her!? The sweet chocalate candies, or time spending , or watching movies have not worked for me! The strangest thing is, the mother in law likes trains! :-D
Good grief, I agree, get rid of that selfish b--- pronto. :mrgreen::mrgreen: How could you live with a creature like that anyway or even want to. Everytime I read something like that I wonder how in heck it ever got started in the first place. Hey all you young guys out there, or old ones too, be careful before signing that marriage document. Let your brain rule your body, not the other way around. :thumb: bob
My verbal pre-nup went something like this: "I am keeping my subscription to Playboy. I am keeping my Xbox. I am keeping my ping-pong table. I will still take road-trips with 'the guys'. And one day I will get back into model railroading."

However I did have to give up the drums, the aquarium, paintball, and my beloved '89 Jeep Wrangler soft top.

Oh well. Isn't that what marriage is all about - compromise?

And what, exactly, did she give up? :eek:
christopher62, you had to give up paintball???? What a bummer! As for my wife she just doesn't understand what the big deal is. She'll never understand why I can go to the DMRC in Holly when they have their open house and literally stand there for 2 hours watching trains go around...... Just earlier I was watching the video on Fast Tracks on how to build a turnout and she just chuckles as she walks by.
I don't know what to vote. I'm too young to be married (14), so I guess I could subsitute 'wife' with my GF or mother. However, my mom is fine with my hobby (I have a sneaking suspision that she's somehow clearing space in the basement at the same time...:eek:), and she is very helpful when I need outside input (she honestly can't tell the difference between my GP9M and my RS-32 aside from the roadnames, so she qualifies as my 'visitor' info source) My GF, however, hasn't ever been over to my house, so she's never seen the trains, plus she calls me crazy mainly because of the hobby, but overall I think she's fine with the hobby.

I guess the "ignores it" button would suit your girlfriend best. As for your mother, go with "provides occasional input" or something...I dunno...All I know is I'm 14, completely single, and really wish I could find a girlfriend who's as much of a geek as I am. I've got a friend who kind of meets the description, and I do kinda have a crush on her, but...I'm too nervous to pop the question. My life's like some sick combination of a bad sitcom and a bad soap opera (minus the evil twins, of course).:eek:ops:
Man, my wife wants nothing to do with my model railroading, and I would say she barely even shows any support. Any time I try to show her progress, she either doesn't look or just says something like "its nice" just to get away from it
So What Does Your Wife Think?

My wife is supportive of my hobby,right now I can't do any thing with the hobby due to the fact,we are living on my wife's income.I am trying for the sixth time to get my disability,I have arthritis in my back and a bone that didn't fully grow,I had x rays re veil this,and my doctor says I am unable to work,Hopefully this will be enough for Social Security,I plan on faxing the report and x rays to Social Security.My wife is even willing to help out on the layout once I am able to start it.I model in HO Scale.
"So, the other woman had a bigger layout, is that it ?"

It was a smaller layout in fact, just a different polarity. :D

Thank you for that. sign1

I am now looking for one of my eyes while hoping the dang cat don't get it first
