So... I got into resin printing recently...


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018

My first large bust (about 1/8th or 1/10th scale) bust of a "Warrior of the Greater Good" from MyMiniFactory.

Printed on my brand new Elegoo Mars 2 Pro SLA resin printer and painted with acrylics.

Jaw dropping what this thing can do. Though, the print area is small. It is unlikely to replace paper card models for vehicles! Crew models and troops on the other hand...
One of my favorite models that is actually painted thus far is this "Astrogirl" from Bob Naismith who at one time worked at Citadel Miniatures and sculpted some of the first Space Marine models (among others).


Zenithal prime of the 3D printed figure and base.


And the final results are impressive. Mostly done using Army Painter Speed paints on the zenithal primed base, and then some details added with other acrylic paints that were more opaque. A variation of the now infamous "slapchop" painting technique (if you search YouTube with the term slapchop you'll see what I mean).
Verry nice details with this 3d printer and your painting skills are amazing. Great job.
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Fantastic!!! The quality is amazing and the possibilities endless. :)
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Here are some of the latest resin 3D prints all painted up. These are from Paul Smith Miniatures on MyMiniFactory where he has a couple bundles of his male and female space elves.

Scaled down to about 88% of original, they blend height wise with the classic plastic Eldar kits:
ps miniatures female space elf size eldar guardian dire avenger.jpgps miniatures space elf size eldar guardian dire avenger.jpg
Left to right: Plastic guardian, resin print at 88%, GW Dire Avenger, and 100% size of the PS Minis resin print.

ps miniatures space elf size comparisons.jpg

On the far right is the 100% model, just to the left is a female dropped to 88%, along with the male at 88%, and finally the classic plastic kit from GW.

ps miniatures space elf size scaled and not scaled.jpg

Finally, a couple scaled down resin prints with the un scaled models (those without helmets).


  • ps miniatures space elf size eldar guardian.jpg
    ps miniatures space elf size eldar guardian.jpg
    213.5 KB · Views: 1
Had to spend some time scaling my images down, as my phone camera now pumps out some big photo files that bust the forum file size limit (sorry...), but the effort was worth it. On a couple of these, you can see some of the aliasing of the 3D printing process. But considering how close to the model the phone had to be... It's not bad. One of these days I'll do more than 'speed paint' but since 3D printing has made my pile of unfinished that much bigger (kinda like my stack of printed card stock models, but hey those store flat and STL's sit on a hard drive...).

ps se female helmet detail.jpgps se female leader head detail.jpgps se female trooper head detail.jpgps se male helmet detail.jpgps se male front.jpgps se male left.jpgps se male rear.jpgps se male right.jpg
Good work, Nice paint. On the photograpy, try adding a light on the camera side of the mini.
Some more 3D miniature goodness! These are Bob Naismith (the dude that sculpted the first Space Marine for Citadel Miniatures...) Enesis Armored troops. I plan on running them as One Page Rules MEQ (Marine EQuivilent) "Battle Brothers"
