Smoke fluid - anyone make their own?


Active Member
Mar 5, 2007
I acquired two IRS on fire buildings which I am kitbashing; both large smoke fluid bottles were empty (as it dried up over the years). I've seen several articles on making your own. Any do that in this group? Let me know your experiences. Any grime build up with commercial or home made fluid that you notice?
Trying to guess whether I should actually try for smoke.

Have fun modeling, Swamp Daddy
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If I made anything that made smoke, I don't think it would survive the first try. Please, let us know what you come up with, and maybe a couple of pics to show what your talking about. ;)
Haven't tried making my own yet; but, in researching this I've found a few YouTube videos which I have yet to watch. However, I did run across this site:
Quite amazing as they offer a wide range of flavors (scents) of smoke for model locos. May have to try one out as soon as enough track is down for a trial. Still may try my own once I learn enough to do it. May have to set up a loop of my American Flyer trains as those locos really threw out the smoke in the day.

Have fun modeling, Swamp Daddy :laughrolling:
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