Small Problem!


Active Member
Aug 15, 2020
Duntroon, Ontario
Sounds worse than it really is! I have way too many projects on the go with many in the pipeline. Probably too many hobbies also. In the summer I spend a lot of my free time in my shop, I enjoy wood working a lot, with a bit of welding and metal work thrown in. My wife has a small flock of chickens that I help her with, then throw in the upkeep on the rental I'm in plus lawn care and some gardens. Pretty busy around here in the summer...oh also throw in a 40-50 hour work week on top of it. (which turns out to be shift work, so one week I'm on days, then next week nights, then finish the 3rd week off on afternoons, then it starts all over again) Then where I work they throw in a mandatory 6 day work week throughout the summer, I make seat belts for all the auto makers.

Now when the winter comes you may think, I get to slow down a bit....nope. Where my wife and I reside is a ways out in the country, we have no neighbors, well not really. Landlord lives about a kilometer away. That's it really. Closest town in about 20-25 min away. Still same amount of things to do with exception to lawns and gardens, now its snow removal (and we get lots). the winter I get to dive a bit deeper into my model making because my shop isn't heated so I work a lot less in it a this time of year. Now this is where I get lost. Lots and lots of ideas swarm in my head, lots of projects get pulled out that have sat idle for 6 months or so. Between plastic kits, paper models, scratch building, miniature painting and researching new projects I sometimes get lost for days on end trying to figure out what to do.

Projects on the go: Finish painting a bunch of warhammer minis, finish a warlord titan, stormraven and rhino that have been scratch built, some orc tank thing, in the middle of scratch building a 1/35th Maus tank, painting 1/16th scale Panther, painting 1/35 sherman, bishop and tiger 1. I have had a studio replica of the shuttle Tydirrium that I have been building for te last year or so. Need to finish my second paper war-rig and a small scratch built war rig. I have been struggling to finish some gundam model from Paper-replika. I did start the 1/200th scale enterprise but not sure where I stuck it, I just tossed a falcon that I stupidly blew up 200pct, printed it and found out I don't have to room to build it so it got tossed a few weeks ago. I have a goal to build every World of tanks model, ((grabbed them all before they shut the site down), so far I have built 15 of them. I know there are quite a projects I have forgotten about!

Wen my father passed I acquired his pile of shame that his wife couldn't sell. He was into miniatures mostly, civil war era things and such and big rig transports, lots more to do there. He owned a Hobby shop in North Bay many years ago so he collected a few things.

I think what I'm trying to say is in this ramble of words is that I would not change a thing in my life. Although sometimes I get frustrated and lost in what needs to be done and what could be done, I just try to always move forward. I appreciate my wife ( she lets me buy stuff for my hobbies without questioning it, and lets me put finished EVERYWHERE in the house!) and I must enjoy how busy I am because I wake up every day wondering what I should do next!

Hope this is readable and not too congested, enjoy your day....I have to head to work now!
A wonderful ramble, sadly life for most people gets in the way of our hobbies and projects. I envy the retired guys in my model group, as they can do their model building all day long!

I too have so many projects and models to build and finding the time to build everything is crazily small!

I'd appreciate that win there with the wife who lets you deposit your creations all over the place - I keep my 'space dollies' as my partner calls my bits in our spare bedroom which is rapidly running out!

Jealous of your snowfalls, here in Norwich, England we get really nothing anymore in the wintertime, the last big fall of the white stuff was back in the early 80's

Just don't forget to share all these projects of yours with us - love life and live it your way.