Small HOn30 layout


New Member
Jun 26, 2007
As I'm been moaned at for "lurking" I thought I'd post some details of my current layout.
Firstly the thinking behind it - we may well be moving in the fairly near future to be nearer daughter so filling my workshop with layout isn't really a good idea so I'm building a 4ft by 2ft 6in (approx) layout that can be expanded into the master plan when any move has taken place.
The track is laid and tested and the next stage is to build my Mark Rollins Climax so I can work out the necessary clearances for the scenery, tunnels etc. Further photos will follow but there will be delays as I've got a "Honey Do" decorating list to work through as well :violin1:




looks like a good start. What did you use for track and switches?

That's cool! I just got my first HOn3 piece and I have been thinking about how small I can go to be able to operate it with some satisfaction.
Track and switches are both Peco 009 and new - I find that second hand track causes more problems than the money it saves.

I take it from your name and avatar that you have a healthy interest in Simplex locomotives. Ever (scratch)built one? I'm in the process of making a couple, time permitting. If you'd be interested I might post a few pics.
A quick update and explanation for my absence. Three months in hospital, still receiving treatment on a weekly basis, and a couple more months spent bedridden. However my beloved wife and daughter have now moved the layout into the back room (I can't manage stairs yet) so I've restarted modeling and will post some pictures as soon as the basic scenery is sorted.

Best wishes to all for Christmas and 2008balloon6


A quick update on "progress", such as it is. I'm still receiving hospital treatment once a week :curse: but am slowly managing to get the rough scenery laid out.
I should manage to get some pictures in the next four weeks but it will probably look a bit white! :winter1:

Nice One Tim! Just the inspiration I need to do something similar..
Good luck health-wise.
in New Zealand
welcome George!

Tim, glad that you are able to get a little enjoyment out of your trains while you recover. Hope your back on your feet and free of medical necessity soon.