Silver Streak


Active Member
Nov 6, 2001
Edmonton AB
Thought some of you might be curious whatever happened with that Silver Streak I was mentioning a month ago that I got as part of an eBay lot. I already knew it didn't work, so when I got it, I stripped the paint, and repainted it as a Valentine's gift for my wife. I wasn't quite sure what she'd think, but she's very much looking forward to seeing it run on my final layout (yes yes, she already knows it'll end up as a dummy unit).


Wow! A locomotive covered with crushed red velvet!! Wait a minute... (I know. It's the camera's fault, right? ;) :p )

Just out of curiosity, why the blue paint on both sides of the fuel tank? It almost looks like styrene. That's assuming you left the original plastic pieces on and painted over them.
Shhhh you weren't supposed to notice that!!! LOL.

ACTUALLY, they're part of the shell, and I *should* have painted them as well. However, when I was painting the shell, I presumed they would not be visible as they would stick inside the chassis, so I just didn't bother to paint them. And didn't notice the oversight until after I gave the train to my wife, *and* after I took the pics.

I figure I'll paint them in the next little while, perhaps black.