Show us your layout, or anybody you knows layout, or your club layout.

The "Y" track seen in the upper right of the last photo leads to a yard train board 15' long by 2' wide. That is what I have been working on. The track from the "Y" goes toward the wall curving down to a track the runs the length of the 15' train board. about 33" down the board I put the yard entrance switch. 5 #4 switches will make one side of the yard ladder. That's what I worked on yesterday and today.
Here you see the curv track and the yard switch and a few of the ladder switches.IMG_7217 - Copy.JPG
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Next photo will be a little further down toward the end of this train board section. you see 4 #4 left switches in a row that make the ladder of the yard. the 5th switch on the end is a #4 right switch and ends the ladder, also providing a by pass track and in the other direction the lead track for of engine facility
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This next photo just shows the end of the 15' train board and to where the curved track leads a shelf unit full of trains that needs to relocated so a additional train board can be added there.
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Here is the yard with the yard track done. None of this yard area is wired yet. Additional track will will laid for a engine service facility and a few factories that will have track sidings.
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That last layout seen above had to be removed to allow for a new rug to be installed in the room. My new one will be will have gorge scenery like along the Lehigh River. No I won't be building a Mauch Chunk ( Jim Thorpe), but I will try other things. Penn Haven is a possibility and a natural for the "Y"track area needed to turn complete trains A slightly enlarged 4 X 8 with two tracks will be the first part. it will tie in to a crossing over section and turn down a 15 foot X 2 foot table section with a Yard and engine service to be built there. A old style of Roundhouse with turntable will be built somewhere, with I hope a locomotive servicing building and necessary period buildings. Don,t be surprised if it will look like the Lehigh and Susquehanna RR facility at the time of the turnover to the CRR of NJ. That will be my goal. A beautiful old brick 16 section roundhouse of 1868, with 70 foot turntable. The locomotive assembly and repair building will be a big challenge. Note right all my buildings will be built with their own floor. This will allow them to be moved without being destroyed and all so allow for ever inspection pits. They will lift off of the layout. Because of little info of this place i may be making something's up. We will see what the future will bring.
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The Hotel is built for Rockport which is the part of the layout you see first. The back section of this first 4X8 1/2 is Penn Haven. Here at Rockport a new hotel has opened. It is a Dyna-Craft wood kit building.
You can see it location in the old quarry. Buildable lots are at a premium here in Rockport. The Canal has been wash out and replaced with a railroad but the port name still remains. Once the old road going to hilltop is rebuilt lots along it side and on the hilltop will be available

Well the background in this photo has changed. The shelf unit seen has been moved, opening up a space for the next train table. There will be a walk way between the new table and this old table. A hinged bridge with two tracks will connect the new table to this old table. More to come on that.

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My roundhouse detail
** Lehigh and Susquehanna Railway **
** Locomotive service area **
  • Focusing on the details seen in the photo you can count the number of stalls by the exhaust stacks see in the photo. You can count 5 stalls then the turntable entrance stall, then the remaining 10 stalls. Of the large decorated roof vents 7 can be seen on even numbered stalls 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, and the last being odd number 15. These vents are of a highly detailed style. They have at least 8 flat louver vented sides to them with a wider base and overhanging roof also showing 8 sides with nice molding along the edges.
  • * A drawing of the PRR Mount Pleasants yard roundhouse shows a very similar 8 sided roof vent. You can see just how detailed this style of vent is.
  • * The locomotive door sections have round roofed doors lined with raised brickwork arches which come together on some sort of keystone and then brickwork continues down a brick column between each door to the ground. The door sections show layered brick work between the door arches and the roof line with teeth. Corner square Brick columns topped by a raised brick ledge with teeth that blends in with the roof line teeth. the building has a overhanging roof lined with raised brick teeth all the way around the Roundhouse. The brickwork on the sides shares the same detail as the front and back.
  • frank
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Well here I am 6 months later and out side of painting and lettering a B&O Royal Blue set as HObbyline did theirs with only the road name above the windows. I used only Hobbyline day coaches, 4 of them and 1 combine. I acquired one original HObbyline B&O FA-1 so I know now how they are painted. I have one original HObbyline B&O combine so I know how the passenger cars are to be done. Matching the blue will be hard. Here is the set I made.


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A traffic jam blocks rail traffic at a Mine Hill crossing. Is that the trump Mobil stopping the Fire engine and the ambiance as well as 2 freight trains?IMG_0263 l.JPG
I have been stuck with my 74+ years of mental block hold me from moving on with my layout. The yard tho functional with switch ladders on both ends of the yard can not store many cars. Two of the yard tracks are so short they are close to useless. I removed four of the switches from the left side and extended the four-yard tracks to increase the capacity of the yard. I have the wiring soldered to the tracks now but am stuck again with the control panel and where it will go.
Here is the new yardIMG_0179  S.JPG
Here are a few more photos of the changed locations.
frank ( )

The new enlarged yard

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Tracks go round to Penn Haven's south side and across the bridge south. to Ashley.

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Tracks exit hill's tunnel from Mine Mill.

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I am still looking for the HObbyline tank car "CONOCO" with no results. So I took some HObbyline undecorated kit tank cars and made my own till I can find an original one. I don't know the correct color so I made a few different ones. The silver one I have yet to complete. It still needs ladders and other small details. I'll get to it today.
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