Sentinel build (Sudsy builds another Patoroch design)

Nice work! Are you planning on airbrushing it?
Not sure if I'll airbrush it or not, this time of year the garage is pretty cold... So I might use my paint brushes like my previous projects. Every time I build a paper vehicle, I do say to myself "This is it, this will be my first airbrush project..." and every time something happens that keeps it from happening!
Not sure if I'll airbrush it or not, this time of year the garage is pretty cold... So I might use my paint brushes like my previous projects. Every time I build a paper vehicle, I do say to myself "This is it, this will be my first airbrush project..." and every time something happens that keeps it from happening!
That is why I switched almost exclusively to acrylics. I have my baby hobby compressor, and I airbrush at the kitchen sink, with the window open.
Progress on the legs this weekend! Beefing these chicken legs to be Turkey tough! Not sure they will have tight enough tolerances to pose and be free standing though... but I gave it a shot anyhow. Even if they must be glued in a static pose, it will appear more genuine than the first build!

BTW, the grey lizard running around in the picture up there... Well, that was 3D printed with my new toy!
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I have not forgotten about this project as a new 3D printer and lots of fun new miniatures have indeed distracted me. Here are some progress shots of the final paint and assembly that is nearing completion!20230219_134706.jpg20230219_155820.jpg20230219_134654.jpg20230219_162708.jpg20230219_134649.jpg20230219_134715.jpg20230219_162658.jpg20230219_162716.jpg


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Much fun! If you don‘t mind, what model did you use for this? I couldn’t find in the thread. :)
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Still moving forward, even if at a snail's pace at times. Got to make a good base for this model! One of my PLA 60mm 3D printed bases with model railroad ballast, actual gravel, and kitty litter bits.


Behind would be my distraction... oodles of 3D printed miniatures to paint up...