Sentinel build (Sudsy builds another Patoroch design)


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
I've been threatening, and wanting, to build one (or three) of these for a while now!

So, after finishing that massive tank.... 'Ere we go!


Going to start with an 'Armageddon Pattern' armored Sentinel as a las-cannon armed tank hunter. Then I might build a scout if I have any energy left. I did in fact print three of these... Each one includes a couple variants to the drivers cockpit. Scout pattern is open with just roll bars, Cadian Pattern has armor up to the top, but is open, Armageddon is the fully enclosed armored variant.
I was looking at my late 3rd/early 4th edition Imperial Guard Codex yesterday... Cadian Pattern Sentinel has an autocannon, and may feature extra armor that is still open topped, along with the Mars (armed with multi-laser) and Catachan (armed with flamer) patterns. Tangent information though, as I'm still going to build the fully enclosed Armageddon Pattern... It'll fit with armor unit I'm building.

I am starting with the feet. After all, you need a solid base to stand on! I decided to utilize my half spherical round beads to create a very basic ball joint with a punched hole on the plate to either side. This will obviously have to be CA glued in place solid upon final assembly! Instead of rolling paper tubes, I went with the paper sticks found when we cut off the ends of cotton swabs. I did roll the top and bottom parts to make them appear to be hydraulic tubes.



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Anyone else miss Radio Shack (US electronics component supplier, until they went out of business because they didn't adapt to changing business and the maker movement came too late for them to recover and attempt to supply that movement)?


I'm glad I got this before they went under! I've not soldered with it much, but it makes great hose looking features in my models!

I created some hydraulic fittings with some styrene and then used the solder for the hose. I also created doughnuts to reinforce the hip joint on the leg as the single layer rings in the original make me wonder given the table top environment where this will be handled... I drop things too much! For a display model it would have been fine.

I really didn't get around to touching this much in September. I did cut the autocannon barrel last week, but other than that, today's progress is what follows with the exception of the barrel for the autocannon. I opted for the flat folded roll bar as my attempt at simulating round tube using the paper sticks failed horribly. I did however have decent sucess greebling the drum magazine a bit more than the template called for. Sadly, this would be a very poor design in the field as debris would get into the magazine and potentially cause feed issues for the cannon. But hey, this is gothic grim dark science fiction, who cares!

I remember RADIO SHACK! I use to shop there quite often.
Actually its demise came from its parent company TANDY Corp. (the parent company of Computer City and Incredible Universe). Tandy wanted all three to compete against one another. Which eventually led to their ultimate demise (I had worked for Computer City and found out some nasty little secrets about Tandy as a whole).

So, now to your project. You are doing a FANTASTIC JOB on it! I really like the amount of detail that you are putting into this. This is one of the WH40K projects that I have on my "TO-DO" list.
Wow this looks good it was worth waiting for. Love it love it thumbsup :Drinks:
Blink, and it's done! :)
Just remember: "If it seems like a crazy idea, but it works, it isn't crazy."

My Helping Hands, some miniature clothespins (thank you @drtetrode) and a hobby clamp holding up the Sentinel so the legs can dry! Not seen are strips of duct tape (100mph tape, OD green variety), parachute cord, bailing wire, and bubble gum (in 28mm scale).

You'll soon have your own 40K army!! Fantastic!! :)
Late, but well before the bell tolls on 2020 here in my time zone! Thankfully, 2020 is over, and this project was completed with time to spare (more on that in another thread...). Here is the Sentinel in all it's glory, in my new photo/video taking rig (a bunch of foam core with old black matte board glued on it and an LED strip light source from above. Still working on getting my lighting right. This is a great work light, I might have to go for a warm light LED strip instead of daylight for the display photo and video light source, or use a filter paper...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And the video of the 360 is now live on my YouTube!