retodus tuberculatus


Feb 13, 2012
nc hamlet
it's been a while. took a break from modeling so i can get my testing done.( pretty sure i aced them;)) i decided to start these 1: 48 scale critters again, and hers my most recent build. meet retodus tuberculatus. the lungfish the size of a crocodile. this massive lobbed finned fish could likely breath air just like it's living relatives and coexisted with the massive ceolocanth, mawsonia. discovered in the Bahariya formation, it was a likely snack for theropods such as spinosaurus





thank you all. for this one, i used various colors of markers such as yellow, orange, tan, grey, and green as well as a few brown and white color pencil marks on certain scales. i really like haw the colors came out as this was a rather experimental process.
I have to admit when I read the title, I read, subconsciously: "retardus tubuculosis", and think, what a hard life that little feller lived!! :)
Hey, I see a bunch of "Like" buttons NOT pressed!! No soup for you!!

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yeah, unfortunately i don't have the means to do so as of now. money is tight and the cannon printer i have sucks. i would have to buy a better, more capable printer in order to released their plans. in the meantime, i do still keep them in a folder for when that time comes.

also, i'm planning on seeing it this weekend at the movies with my dad. i tried my best to avoid any spoilers thus far. it would be nice to see if this film could catch some of the majesty of the first film.
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