Repainting Tiricks' figurines

Rhaven Blaack

Staff member
Jun 12, 2009
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

As (most of) you know, I repainted some of Tiricks' figurines to look like mechanics from BSG (TNS) (with Tiricks'permission of course) for the Viper diorama that I built (

Since Revell-Fan and I are (currently) working on a new Cockpit Interior for the Thunder Fighter (from BRTC25), I decided to make Pilots of the Thunder Fighters.
As you can see, I have even made a blaster and holster for it. I still need to make a helmet for it.
I will also make the formal (dress) uniform as well as the female figurine (with both uniforms).

Here are the photos below for your viewing pleasure (I will post more as I finish with each one.

IMAG3527.jpg IMAG3528.jpg IMAG3529.jpg IMAG3530.jpg IMAG3524.jpg IMAG3525.jpg IMAG3526.jpg IMAG3522.jpg IMAG3523.jpg

I will (eventually) make (repaint) figurines for BSG (both TOS & TNS) as well.

Once all of these are finished, I will send all of the templates to Tirick for approval and to be hosted on his website (if he so chooses).

Thank you!!!
I am glad you like him.
As for the blaster and holster, I thought that since Tirick had made a blaster and holster for his X-Wing (Alliance) pilots, I should follow suit and do the same with this one. I will also include a blaster and holster with the BSG (TOS & TNS) figurines as well.

Please stay tuned to your local Intergalactic Broadcasting Services for further updates as the come in.
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These came out real good. I still have problems building Tiricks figure, the tabs and the head contours are a bit too fiddly for my fingers. I also like prudenzio's models as well. He makes a good naked female (Amazon) that can be used as a base to build up the uniforms. Buck and Velma are a great addition to the Thunderfighter.
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These really look fantastic. I had a thought to recolor some to populate the Star Trek TOS bridge set or for a diorama with the shuttlecraft but my skill as an artist leaves much to be desired. Great Job!
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Thank you both for the kind words!!!
@silveroxide I have to say that the female was (INDEED) a bit fiddly for me as well. I should give Prudenzio's figures a go as well.

@ganeshsingh158 Star Trek figurines (in general) are not a bad idea. I do not want to get to far ahead of myself though.

As for an update, I have just finished the Male figurine in Formal (Dress) uniform. Here are the photos:
IMAG3545.jpg IMAG3546.jpg IMAG3547.jpg IMAG3548.jpg

I have also created a coin plate stand with the EDD logo on it as well, so that you can display the figurine alone.
IMAG3542.jpg IMAG3549.jpg IMAG3550.jpg IMAG3551.jpg

I will start work on the Female formal (Dress) uniform next.

While conducting further research into the female version of the Thunder Fighter Pilot Formal (Dress) Uniform, I found that I made a mistake in my first version of the Male Thunder Fighter Pilot Formal (dress) Uniform.
So I went through and made the (necessary) changes.
Here are the photos of the finished figurine.
(*NOTE* The Last photo shows the new one (on the left) along side the old one (on the right). As you can see, there is a big change.

IMAG3565.jpg IMAG3567.jpg IMAG3568.jpg

I am going to work on the female soon.

Hello once again Ladies and Gentlemen,

I know that it has been about a month since my last update on this thread.
Here is the latest update. I have finished the Female Formal (Dress) Uniform for the Earth Defence Directorate Pilots.
Everything has been sent to Tirick for final revision and approval.

Here are the photos:

IMAG3589.jpg IMAG3590.jpg IMAG3591.jpg IMAG3592.jpg IMAG3593.jpg IMAG3594.jpg IMAG3595.jpg

I am going to be starting on the BSG (TOS) Viper Pilots Uniforms next.
*SIDE NOTE* I will be making both BS Galactica and BS Pegasus Pilot Uniforms.

Well, Ladies and gentlemen, I just realized that I made a mistake and have to do some more work on the templates. So it will take a bit longer. I have already contacted Tirick and asked that he discard to templates that I sent him and as soon as I finish the new ones, I will expedite them to him ASAP!

I am very sorry for the delay on this.
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For those of you who are asking "Is he going to make a helmet for these figurines?". The answer is "NO". How ever Revell-Fan GRACIOUSLY did make the helmet for these figurines!!!
In my opinion he PERFECTLY nailed this helmet!!!
As you can see, it is easy to build and it is the PERFECT finish to this template.
Here are the photos for your viewing pleasure:

IMAG3782.jpg IMAG3784.jpg IMAG3785.jpg IMAG3786.jpg IMAG3787.jpg IMAG3788.jpg IMAG3789.jpg IMAG3790.jpg

Now there are a few more tweaks that I have to make to the template. Once I have finished, I will send everything to Tirick for review and approval.

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Great work! Your helmet looks much better than mine! (Surely because you have got the revision with the corrected detail :D!)

@starbuck: The figures are in 1:35 scale (but they fit in the 1:32 scale range, too; so they are suitable for any Thunderfighter or Viper model / diorama ;)).
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Ladies & Gentlemen,

I would like to announce that Tirick has just uploaded the EDD Thunder Fighter Pilots to his website. These are now available for EVERYONE to download.
These figurines are COMPLETE (with both flight/duty uniforms and formal (dress) uniforms, as well as ALL of the accessories that are shown in the photos above).

So if you download them, please post photos of your build. I would REALLY like to see some of you build these figurines!

The next figurines to be made will be the BSG (TOS) Viper Pilots.

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This is totally awesome! Thank you, Tirick! :)

The package contains all different versions of the EDD TF pilot, male and female, and dress uniforms as well. The templates are available in 1:35 and 1:48 scale. So go and get it to man your Thunderfighter and stand by for the new cockpit interior 2.0! ;)

BTW, here is a "small" teaser of what is to come:

