"Red Skull" sculpt, polymer clay


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
I was inspired to pick up sculpting again recently. It is something I haven't done in about a decade or so, however when I did do it, I did A LOT of it. Sadly, most of those sculptures didn't survive the trip down from Alaska when I returned to the Lower 48 of the US about nine years ago.

My first project was meant to be a skull as a study in getting a 1/6th scale base to sculpt on top of. I would bake it, cast it out of resin, and make more. However, I was not happy with the skull, as a skull. Some folks encouraged me to not destroy it and start over, but go with the flow.

Thus, we have the beginnings of The Red Skull from Captain America (Marvel comic and films).


Super Sculpy with a foil core base. Currently, still just a floating that 'ain't got no body; and no body got me' in Igor voice (from Young Frankenstein).
Playing around with some clay, I accidentally stumbled, fumbled my way into a face that was a spitting image or Peter Lorrie, the creepy guy in "To Kill a Mockingbird". I gave it to my sister. She said it looked so much like him it creeped her out, but she wanted it. :)

A Sculptor too!! Fantastic!! :)
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