Re-scaling downloaded designs


New Member
Nov 3, 2011
Cambridge UK
What is the best way (excluding printer scaling) of downsizing model designs? I'm trying to build a 1:250 harbour diorama and I'm getting fed up with printing out designs which end up using just one corner of a sheet of card and the rest has to go into the scrap bankwall1. I know I can reduce the image size in Photoshop Elements but I can't work out how to do so to scale.

My main aim is to be able to print several models on the one sheet and thus save on card.

Alternatively I have a number of other graphics packages which I have downloaded over time, but as usual the help has all been written for the serious user, rather than the beginner blundering around looking for answers! Anyone got any advice, short of going out and spending big bucks on a top-line graphics package?

Many Thanks

Hi, Brian!

I have to go off to work now, but I will try to work up a tutorial for this later (it's really not complicated).

No, you do not need to buy the more expensive packages. Something low-cost like Photoshop Elements, or free like GIMP, will work just fine.

What other graphics packages have you downloaded/tried? (And what OS are you using?)

Can you provide the url for one of the downloaded files you are working with? I'm thinking it will make more sense to you if I demonstrate on the same file you are using.

I haven't used Elements, but with regular Photoshop I would just reduce one page to size, then create a new (blank) image the right size for printing. Then I would just keep sizing pages the same amount and dragging them into the blank. Each one creates a new layer and you can position it on the page easily enough. This is very basic PS stuff. It sounds like you're still fairly new to using Elements. Keep working through the basic tutorials and this stuff will be very easy and you'll have some useful skills for other things, too.
I had that problem once, and I solved it by making sure the first pic was completely dry, then flipping the paper and reinserting it into the printer. Only works if the pics are less that half the card.
Is there an answer to this that the technophobic can understand? I am a skilled tradesman not a computer engineer, and I cane berely make Windowzz (tm) turn on.

ps I have downloaded and installed XNView
Not really, to be honest. Printer scaling would be the best way. You can print multiple pages using the "Windows" print software from the Picture Viewer. This doesn't work it if is a .pdf. In that case, printer scaling works best. :)