problems posting files: file to large error message.

Bill Nelson

Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2008
Clarksville Tn
some files load, most won't off my phone. set my camera to 0.3 mb, small setting, and get the same message .

also all my recent photos are gone off my main thread, ot used to show info about the photos that didn't show, bt that is all gone too. Did Yall drop Zealot while moving, and break it?
I am sorry that you have lost some of your pics from your threads. The reason for the loss, when the forum was moved from Tapatalk back to Xenforo, we lost quite a bit of data (to include resources, photos in threads, and even some accounts). The owner has contacted Tapatalk about this issue, however Tapatalk claims that they have nothing and are very unwilling to help with any of the technical issue.

As for uploading current photos, I have had the same issues (even before the DNS attack). You may want to transfer the photos directly to your computer and then upload to your threads from your computer.
I made a post about the data loss in the site news section.