Prince of Wales 1/200

I tried to bring life to the water using the drybrush technique with lighter shades of the base colour. Lightened the original color it with blue and white pigments.
The paints I use are from the local DIY, the flat brush as well. See the first pic.

The second pic shows the first drybrush touch, the third the final touch.
The last pic shows the colours in daylight. Strange enough the camera 'makes' the colours a lot more blueish than the colours I see with the eyeball mark one

Added the cranes again, and started with the figures.
I reshaped the figures with a cap or hat created with plasticine, cut off unwanted parts like travelling valises a.s.o. The female figures I could not use of course. Of the 200 figures I used some 40. Grouped around some parts of the deck and the superstructure.

I saw a picture of a plane hanging from a crane and I decided to adopt this for the Prince, thereby creating a bit more lively model.

Last was the nameplate :)
When I created the nameplate and printed it I realised how short the PoW was in service :(


Wow!! Nice job on the Prince of Wales! Marvelous detail. You sir are an inspiration to us all. Thanks again for sharing your work!

Sky Seeker