Polish paper models exhibition as seen with foreign eyes


Mar 19, 2008
Last year's paper model's exhibition in Wroclaw, Poland - in a video relation with english subtitles. I love to attend this exhibition - it's easily the largest in Poland and the level presented is outstanding - one can wander for hours from one model to the other, peruse hundreds of unassembled models available for buying, various additions - like lasercut elements, metal etchings, gun barrels - everything that you can see online you can see with your own eyes - very helpful for making choices.

And last, but not least - an occasion to meet great modelers with their models one admired on forums - to see the models with your own eyes, to talk with their creators, to shake their hand, to drink beer with fellow modellers and have grand time.

Simply wonderful time to have :)
I always go there with pleasure...

Oh come on, tell you truth, you go there for the girls!!

All kidding aside, the architecture of the buildings is just incredibly beautiful. I cannot imagine walking down a sidewalk like that everyday and seeing such beauty!. The exhibition was really nice. I was thinking about starting a local hobby club but I think I would be the only member! Nice video. A pleasure to watch. :)
Oh come on, tell you truth, you go there for the girls!!

All kidding aside, the architecture of the buildings is just incredibly beautiful. I cannot imagine walking down a sidewalk like that everyday and seeing such beauty!. The exhibition was really nice. I was thinking about starting a local hobby club but I think I would be the only member! Nice video. A pleasure to watch. :)

An old mentor once told me, "Nothing ventured is nothing gained".

If you want to start a PM club, then do it. You can start at your local library, community center, or conference hall. If you have a VFW, or American Legion (or some other sort of organisation like those), you could contact them as well.
If there are sci-fi conventions that are held near where you live, is another good place to advertise such.
I am also quite certain that you may have other avenues that you could look into as well.

If you do start it, I wish you the best of luck with it.
Thank you for sharing this with us. It is always interesting to see others (in other countries) that are involved in this wonderful hobby.
I'm glad you liked it :)

As for architecture - Wroclaw is a beautiful city - just as is Krakow, Gdansk or Poznan (where I live). World War II which raged on our lands, with fronts moving twice across it in both directions has ravaged our cities. Wroclaw, the city in the movie was severely destroyed, with maybe 30% of buildings left standing - so some of those beautiful buildings have been rebuilt - similarly to the Warsaw old city. Warsaw was being deliberately demolished, erased from the face of the earth, after bloody insurection in which died almost 200.000 people.

That's how Warsaw looked like after liberation:


And that's how Wroclaw looked like:


We are proud of all old architecture that still exist, and some which had been reconstructed
The Polish people are a bright spot in Europe, to me anyways. I have known many Polish people and read much History and Poland just blows my mind. I think that is why those pictures amazed me. Stateside, you see so many films and documentaries of WWII, showing the devastation and the battle of Warsaw, that the beauty of this restored city is hard to fathom, and a relief in a way. It gives hope! Besides, who can forget that the end of the Soviet Union began there! Solidarity!! :)
You can see high definition aerial photos of destroyed Warsaw in this movie:


On basis of hundreds of photos and movies from that time there was constructed a computer simulation of the state of the city - using it there was made a movie where you can see Warsaw as if you flew over it in an airplane:


Thank you Zathros - and to see how the Warsaw was rebuilt see this movie:
(unfortunately only in Polish, but it is uplifting even if you don't know everything that's being written)


The song sounds like: "Over the Vistula there begins a Warsaw day, with a speed of a tram there comes a Warsaw day, to the schools again, to the bureaus again, rushes to the scaffoldings a Warsaw day..."
If I wrote what I wanted to, I would have to kick myself off of this forum! :)

Thanks for posting these videos. I bookmarked the YouTube site to look at other related ones.
Unfortunately, the link did not work. I have passed that computer animation of Warsaw after the war to many people. I think that people are obliged to look at this. Past is prologue! :cry:
It is a facebook photo album - perhaps you don't have an account there?
There are 151 photos of war damaged Poznan there.

Thank you for sharing the history :)
Oh, I see, I will open up my account first, then look at them. Thanks Lehcyfer, this history is the worlds and it must be passed on! I believe that with every fiber of my being! :)
On last festival of SF & fantasy "Pyrkon" in Poznań I and Chris have shown some of our paper models. You can watch an interview with Chris explaining the exposition, which was positioned right next to giantic models of ships ftom Star Wars universe. The link jumps straight to the beginning of the interview :)


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I am glad you guy hooked up. You are lucky to live in a country where this hobby is so entrenched. Hobbies, in general, are a fringe thing here it seems. Kids buy toys that essentially involve no human input or just play video games, which I am really starting to hate.
That's correct. Where are the times when you would sit down with your kids and actually make something productive instead of only pushing some buttons? Here at my place the situation is so worse that you wouldn't even find the simplest tools or materials. Even plastic model kits vanished from the shelves within 30 km because there is no demand for them any longer. If I need anything I'll have to order it via internet. It's a pity. Thank goodnes there are places like zealot which allow one's creativity to flourish and grow.
We have a really good old fashion Hobby Shop in the town next to mine. His sales are flat all year long. He has good sales because of a dedidated steady stream of customers so it has allowed him to stay in business for 30 years. He has incredibly competitive prices on his plastic models, of which you cannot find anywhere else in any event. He has raw stock like wires, metal stock, plastic stock, all manner of wods for the hobbyist and R/C equipment and replacement parts for quality T/C helicopters. He sells 6 axis helicopters, and has all the spare parts for them for under $200 dollars. You also get to try out the helicopters before you buy! With shipping prices getting really high, his shop is doing better business. I stop in there almost ever month to buy something, anything, to patronize his shop. I know of no other shop like his for a 200 miles radius. :)
We have a really good old fashion Hobby Shop in the town next to mine. (...) . I know of no other shop like his for a 200 miles radius. :)

Oh, man, I need a green card...:p But seriously, I'm having the same problems here, not with materials, since the paper hobby is an easy, cheap one, and there are very good craftmanship stores here in Rio, but my difficulty is trying to get my boys interested in it.
The darned videogames have taken over, and what I had to do here was to prohibit playing with that thing during week, working days. Well, I confess: I like to play videogames, but the one with adventures or strategy, which you have to use at least some of your brain to play.
Anyway, since I've embraced the paper hobby and ZEALOT, I haven't been playing, and now that I'm studying for the PMP exam, I have no time for anything else...:cry:
Anyway, since I've embraced the paper hobby and ZEALOT, I haven't been playing, and now that I'm studying for the PMP exam, I have no time for anything else...:cry:
Rogerio, take it this way: Prepping for your exam is also some kind of paper work! :thumb: