Picture thread of your Logging, Mining, or unique industrial equipment.

SMLRGMDLBR.jpg R G M Dohlbeer

This is the kit that taught me the basics of skid construction.

Note the quality of the castings . Eric's stuff has very little flashing to clean up. This model was in aproximately this same location when the earthquake hit. the car it was on derailed, and it took the five foot trip to the floor. Some of the piping was not recovered.

I have another of these partly done, I'll need to complete it, so I can fake the missing parts on this one.

as I said very good stuff!

Bill Nelson
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smldnkspanex#1.jpg smldnkspanex#2.jpg donkey shop annex

The cold weather came in yesterday, My wife is working Today and Tommorow @ the Children's Hospital ( she is a nurse on the Cardiology floor @ Vanderbilt Childern's) With nobody but me , the dogs (a Dane, a saint, and a Llassa), I don't have the stoves fired up enough to get the heat to the family room, and have moved some operations into the kitchen, since there is no one around to complain about that.

In the donkey shop annex, I have worked some more on the donkey water tanks kitbashed from plate girder bridge sections, and have started cutting lumber for the very long threatened Surry-Parker loader/skidders.

Tom and I have had great interest in these, as the Little River Lumber co. used them. The Little River railroad operated up into the smokies. If you have been to the Tennessee side of the park, you have been on Little River Lumber Co. land. that operation , along with the Ghrahm County Railroad, are huge influences on both the C & S and the DG CC & W. Our long assosiation has improved our various skills, and given us lots of idea's; but our primary inspiration was shared from the start.

As an Aside, WHISTLE OVER THE MOUNTAIN, a book about the lumber company, and the railroad, people, and places associated with it is about to go out of print. If you model eastern logging (and shouldn't we all) this is an invaluable resource, buy it now, prices of out of print books get stupid quick.

Back to the donkey shop annex! The Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazzette (if you model narrow gauge, logging, mining or turn of the century this magazine is a crucial resource.- It is aimed at the builder, has plans and articles on how to build stuff; a big difference from the dream it, plan it buy it theme found in the mainline hobby press) had an article on Surry Parker Loader/skiders a ways back. the best I can figure the plans were for a 3 foot gauge design, so there will be some needed adjustments. Also the plans were for a single drum model, and I wanted a double drum model ( Mine needs to go in Terrapin to load for the Big Donkey there, and that additional boom will be nessesary to get the logs up that **** ram to the loading platform-- if life is easy, you're probably doing something important wrong): But I believe I can Get from here to there, as the differences between the models

anyway, here is a pic of the frame timbers (I'm departing from exact scale, as empty log cars will go under this contraption, it is going to have to be strong to survive an operating model railroad.

Yes Tom, I'm making two of each needed piece!

also shown are the two donkey tanks kitbashed from plate girder bridge sections, and another ( a varriation on a theme from Dr Tom, a skid with an auxilliary watertank, made from leftover shay pieces)

Back to work in the shops ( if it doesn't turn out to be nap time)

Bill Nelson
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Now for more detailed , but not operational blocks here is the rio grande models page, you have to scroll way down to get to the blocks, much very cool stuff here . If you havn't played with this stuff you owe it to yourself to get some of this stuff. Warning, Craftsman kits! These will stretch your skills, if they arn't stretched allready. His Dohlbeer kit taught me how to make a skid.

My big donkey project has one of his extended firebox boilers, the mine hoist engine (altered), and the three drum hoist (also altered)

the two and three drum hoists are from ditchers, and are sized for loaders; The drums are too small for a road skidder, or a high lead skidder.

The quality of these white metal casting are the best I have encounterd in 30 + of modeling

Thanks Bill. Another good site.
I am ready to make the switch from modelling forests to some of the neat logging camps and equipment like you model. Should be fun and sounds like I should start an account with Rio Grande Models. Thanks for all the advice.
The cold weather came in yesterday, My wife is working Today and Tommorow @ the Children's Hospital ( she is a nurse on the Cardiology floor @ Vanderbilt Childern's) With nobody but me , the dogs (a Dane, a saint, and a Llassa), I don't have the stoves fired up enough to get the heat to the family room, and have moved some operations into the kitchen, since there is no one around to complain about that.

In the donkey shop annex, I have worked some more on the donkey water tanks kitbashed from plate girder bridge sections, and have started cutting lumber for the very long threatened Surry-Parker loader/skidders.

Tom and I have had great interest in these, as the Little River Lumber co. used them. The Little River railroad operated up into the smokies. If you have been to the Tennessee side of the park, you have been on Little River Lumber Co. land. that operation , along with the Ghrahm County Railroad, are huge influences on both the C & S and the DG CC & W. Our long assosiation has improved our various skills, and given us lots of idea's; but our primary inspiration was shared from the start.

As an Aside, WHISTLE OVER THE MOUNTAIN, a book about the lumber company, and the railroad, people, and places associated with it is about to go out of print. If you model eastern logging (and shouldn't we all) this is an invaluable resource, buy it now, prices of out of print books get stupid quick.

Back to the donkey shop annex! The Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazzette (if you model narrow gauge, logging, mining or turn of the century this magazine is a crucial resource.- It is aimed at the builder, has plans and articles on how to build stuff; a big difference from the dream it, plan it buy it theme found in the mainline hobby press) had an article on Surry Parker Loader/skiders a ways back. the best I can figure the plans were for a 3 foot gauge design, so there will be some needed adjustments. Also the plans were for a single drum model, and I wanted a double drum model ( Mine needs to go in Terrapin to load for the Big Donkey there, and that additional boom will be nessesary to get the logs up that **** ram to the loading platform-- if life is easy, you're probably doing something important wrong): But I believe I can Get from here to there, as the differences between the models

anyway, here is a pic of the frame timbers (I'm departing from exact scale, as empty log cars will go under this contraption, it is going to have to be strong to survive an operating model railroad.

Yes Tom, I'm making two of each needed piece!

also shown are the two donkey tanks kitbashed from plate girder bridge sections, and another ( a varriation on a theme from Dr Tom, a skid with an auxilliary watertank, made from leftover shay pieces)

Back to work in the shops ( if it doesn't turn out to be nap time)

Bill Nelson
Wow Bill, you are really going at it!!! That Surry Parker model will be neat. I am honored to get a replica too!!! Thanks.

Are you using 22 bullet casings for the tank caps on those tank models?

That last picture was pretty neat. You should consider a "construction thread" as you build the Surry Parker loaders. It would be very interesting.
Dr Tom:wave:
Me , modeling log camps?


Granted I do model this equipment, but log camps? Iv'e got 1, and it is a complete afterthought. I've lost count of your log camps, and often get lost @ operating sessions trying to find the right one.

Both of our railroads, while they are works of art, are conceptually ruined by their historical origins. My railroads conceptual origins date back to the huge railroad I built in my folks basement back in the early 70's when I was in high school. the main themes being Big time logging railroad, with a big mill, and a connection to a main line RR and a narrow gauge railroad. The iron ore theme got folded in later.

Trying to do the same thing, without enough space, left me with my wonderful, but horribly compromised railroad.

Likewise, your railroad got stange when it moved from one half of a two car garage into that big basement, leaving you with a railroad that is too big for your mills, your interchange, your passing siddings.

So our railroads are messed up enough we just have to go for the right feel, and if we can nail that nobody will notice how messed up our railroads are (oops I just told them). Building too many donkeys is part of that stratagey, as most of my logs come out of staging, directly or inderectly, If I've got surplus donkeys around the mill, that helps give the impression that there must be a lot of them out there in the woods too. When I get done with this donkey craze I need to knock out a lot more skid shacks, maybee even some skid shack flats for the staging @ Murray.

Bill Nelson
Oh as to the water tanks the open lids are just brass tubing inserted into holes drilled into the styrene lids and ACC ed in place, and as to the construction thread, I think this is it, and if we have appropriated this thread too excessively, other folks will just have to build a lot of stuff to get it out of our sawdust covered little hands. (insert maniacal laughter here)

Bill Nelson
That's one thing you Eastern guys have going for you- Neat little tunnel loaders like the surrey parker! I'm too addicted to big spar trees, highleads, heel booms, and 2-3 donkeys sitting around on the landing though heh. Keep up the good work!
smlSPdeck&boom1.jpg SMLPPdeck&boom#2.jpg deck & Booms on Surry Parkers

I got one frame decked, and both booms assembled. in the second photo at a deep angle shows the cut outs on the boom assembilies for the pullies.

Bill Nelson
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Love the great work

New to this forum, talked to your friend DocG a few times. I agree about the book WHISTLE OVER THE MOUNTAIN. There is another book I also enjoyed was LAST TRAIN TO ELKMONT.I love this area, my family & I only get down there once or twice a year. I am enjoying the dedication you guys are sharing with everyone.Being a self employed carpenter for over 25 years I have a strong appreciation for where that next board I cut comes from.What you guys are sharing is not only a hobby but much history that is slowly fading away. My layout was dismanteled for a much larger one & I can't wait to get the nerve to post some pics later on. I love scratch building. I have a lumber mill as well as a coal mine, both in progress. When I get tired of cutting scaled lumber I glue up some styrene.:thumb: for all the fine work & I'll keep watching. Thanks!
smlsphedfrprts.jpg Wekcome sawdust

Welcome Sawdust!

Take pictures, even if you don't share them, your eye can see stuff that needs fixing in the picture easier than it can see it on the layout. A digital camera makes a great hobby tool. Not to mention that sharing lets you inspire others, and often you get inspired as well, and get around to projects you have been putting off for ever.

This Sury-Parker Loader/skider project has been on the back burner for years, and this equipment thread got it rolling.

Good luck with your layout. work hard on planning, so you make new and interesting design mistakes on this railroad, rather than the same old boring mistakes like I made on mine

Bill Nelson
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SMLS-P mabmdet.jpg photographicaly challenged

My newer/better digital camera 8mp Samsung) was one of those internet super deals and came without a manual

I just figured out how to get it onto the macro setting, so here is a duplication of a n earlier view, but closer!

Note the woodgraining. done with a razor saw Beter wood color can be acheived by staining each board after it is grained by dragging a saw across it's surface, and then sanding it to get the fuzz off. That requires touching up the stain after each cut. If there is to be any hope of modifying the finish after assembly, or even partial assembly, one has to be very carefull with glue.

This model's sub assembalies are painted with spray paint. I am doing this for two reasons; the first being I am trying to work fast, and this way saves a lot of time, and the other is for durability. These loaders straddle the rails, and empy log cars are rolled underneith them. Both of these loaders will land in prominent places on what are intended to be busy operation minded railroads (My RR is almost impossible to operate, but the intent is there never the less); so I want to make them strong, which means pinned joints and lots of glue, white glue, and ACC, sometimes both on the same joint. With this finish I can alter the finish as the sub assembalies go together , and not live in frar of the unsightly spot where the glue keeps the stain from soaking in.

Bill Nelson
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starting brass shapes

Thanks guys. No new progress, spent the day working outside and trying to dig out one of my closets. It has hobby stuff, my Lp collection , the Cds, video cassets, and DVD's.. all and all a real mess. the only thing that had been done in there in the last 6 years is the removal and storage of the little kid videos.

I got the top three shelfs civilized, moving the worst of the hobby stuff up to the RR room (attic).

I also did some clean up work in the yard. I'll try to do some train stuff in the next couple days, but some of the closet stuff migrated to the work bench, and will need to be sorted and stored to clear the deck for the next steps on the Surry-Parker project.

I did do some soldering of brass square tubing onto sheet brass, to make a shape, that when cut up will be the foundation for the sockets, that will hold the posts, that will elevate the loader up above the log cars, so the empties can roll under the loader as the train is loaded. a tiny bit of progress, but the scratchbuilt brass parts take time, but are needed for strength.

Bill Nelson
sml skpks.jpg making brass post pockets

After several attemts to produce the pockets needed, I finally stumbled on one that is making them more uniform I'll probably have to make 12 to get the 8 needed, but stuff like that in the donkey parts drawer will come in handy someday.

I need to get these pockets set up , and some approximation of the leveling jacks before I get to the fun part, and erect the crossbrace and boom, as those will set on the beam that carries the jacks.

On another list one of my cohorts came up with this link to a photo of a large scale single drum Surry Parker, that shows a lot of detail (certainly more than I will be able to fit in these HO scale models


Bill Nel;son
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SML SP parts.jpg time to run screaming from the building

I Have made some progress, but had to stop. Recently I have spent as much time on the floor looking for tiny brass pieces I have made and dropped, as I spent making the parts, so it would be time to run screaming out of the building, if it wasn't too cold to go outside. I do have to go outside for more firewood. I messed up and split about three weeks worth of wood yesterday, and I have been a hurting cowboy today.

Here are pictures of some pieces.

Bill Nelson
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