Peter Grace C-16

JBBVry said:
does anyone know what the heack happened to this item? I had one on order and never heard any more about it.


From what I have heard, Peter was unable to get his Indian contractor to deliver anything with acceptable quality. Apparently a few cars and parts made it to Austrailia. Peter has not been heard from in many months (years?). Any deposits are likely a loss.:cry:

again, just what I have heard
i have heard the same. I wonder if there is more to the story...

I've heard of similar problems in dealing with Chinese manufacturers...and I suspect India'd be the same way. Many companies will cut corners in order to try to improve their profits...sometimes resulting in no profits. They are not used to competing on quality...they're used to competing on price.

I hope you guys are able to get at least some of your deposit you can use it on procuring C-16s from other sources.