Pepakura viewer for smartphone or tablets


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2013
Austria - Carinthia
Hi together,
from time to time I build models which are created via pepakura software. I wonder if an app exists which allows to view .pdo files on my android smartphone or tablet.
I checked the playstore but I did not find one.

Maybe some has a hint for me.

Best regards and thx in advance.

I have a 10" Asus T100TAF that has a detachable screen, 16 G internal memory, and I believe up to 64 or 128 on an mini SD card, and it has USB 3.0. This is a quad core tablet running Windows 8.1 professional, so it's a full fledged computer. It only has 1G of Ram, they didn't have the 2G model that day, and I wish I would have waited, but they ended up giving it to me for $189.00 at BestBuy which was ridiculously low. I could run Pepakura. I haven't loaded Rhino as it would be too aggravating to model in that size, but I carry a Library of Renders on the SD Card to show people when they ask. Anything less than 10 inches is too small. I also have a 2K Tablet. 7..85" screen. It is what is called a "Retina" display, it just isn't an Apple, but the screen is made by the same company. That runs Android, and has the same specs, but has 2G's of Ram, which makes it better for gaming than the Asus, especially on Real Racing 3, where I just hit the Legend Level! The Insignia Tablet can be had for $129.00 but be warned, you cannot run programs off of the SD Card which truly limits the machine as it has only 16 G's of internal Ram, still, for the price? Now it's on sale for $99.00 bucks!!

It has an all metal back, sides, 5 mp front camera and 2 mp facing you camera. Does decent movies, has great sound. ;)

insignia-flex-elite 1.jpg Insignia Back.jpg

Android Insignia Link =
Your first link, Revell-Fan, is basicky remote desktop. You need to connect to server witch you must run on desktop PC or server machine. Not for my liking because you need to setup and take care of a server.

Second link look better, but 3d aplications usually doesn't run good on such emulators or windows compatibility frameworks, acording to my experience.

Zanthros device with Windows is good and sefe possible solution, but it is another machine to have, especialy if you own tablet. But for now only usable solution to have portable Pepakura.
I have to be honest, the ASUS feels like desktop I take a around with me, because it runs office, the USB 3.0, which allows a huge and fast external full size hard drive to be installed. You can install programs where ever you want, and yet, when I am waiting for my son to get out of school, I press the middle button, the tablet separates from the keyboard, and I have a tablet. The USB 3.0 port is in the keyboard section though, so it has to be docked if you want to use it. You could run Pepakura off of the Asus though. The Insignia, as much as I love it's display, and operating system, feels like a toy. I would never do anything financial off of it, while the ASUS has full blow Norton Security on it. Doesn't slow it down a bit, Norton did a good job on this.