Pepakura tutorial

Ive noticed there are alot of bits and pieces everywhere on the pepakura program, i was wondering if we have anything full and finished and nicely detailed for those of us who are new to making thier own models.

If not would someone take the time to make a .pdf tutorial on it? if people have links to things that will help me also it would be appreciated.

~ Wolfinlied

When Pepakura unfolds a model, it will make a lot of small pieces if the model has not been optimized for a paper model. However, I haven't learned how to do that yet, so anything I unfold is many pieces also.

However, if you right click in the unfold window, you will see a select called something like Join Adjacent Pieces. If you place your mouse over an edge, and a red line appears, it is telling you there is a piece that can be joined. An arrow at the midway point will show which direction the part will travel. Be careful...if you select an edge on a large piece and the arrow is pointing towards the smaller pieces, when you left click, the large part will move to the location of the small part. Since this might cover other parts, it isn't desirable, and since there is no Undo (at least none I can find), it's difficult to recover without restarting the entire process over.

Main thing is you would be better off learning to use a 3d program, and designing a model with one of those programs which is compatible with a paper model. There are numerous threads on the forums which go into that, including a PDF tutorial on building an aircraft in Rhino 3D, one of the better, but more expensive modeling programs. Metasequoia is a bit easier to learn and there are some tutorials on the net for learning its use.

I have tried them, but since I am a tired, old man who can't learn new tricks, I stick to designing my models by just drawing them with a CAD program.

Good luck. There is a lot to learn when it comes to producing card models. But I saw a few people who built some of my models, and it felt good. 8v)
Wolfinlied said:
70 people looked and not one knows anything? come on fellas i just need to know how to work it so i can make models to share :)

I wish I could help. I have Pepakura as well but have no idea how to use it.
I mainly use it for looking at and printing models that other people have made with it.
I suppose that if you knew how to use other 3D programs like Rhino, a lot of the commands would be self explanatory.
I sure wish there was a book or E-Book that showed you what everything is and how to go about designing a model from begining to end.
I do know this though, Rhino has a very good website tutorial that shows you how to use their program, so it might be the way to go for now.

Also, don't trust the views counter. At any given moment their are between 10-50 spiders crawling this site. They are programs that scour the web looking for info for search engines like google. Every time one of these "looks" at a thread it is automatically counted as a "view" so this is an unreliable count actually.

Oh, yes I do recall seeing that here, somewhere.
I think someone even wrote a program specifically for pulling the data from the games info files.
Hopefully someone will pipe in and give us the details.
You will have to give it some time though as our members are scattered across the globe (meaning half of them are probably asleep right now) and a lot of them don't visit here every day.

i dont know if all games have tham

but u can try look it like this

go to opan your main game folder

than u have on the left(or right) menu "FILE AND FOLDER SERCH"
click on is and select "ALL FILES AND FOLDER"
than look for this file *.bin
maybe u can tray look on the folder that the file is locat

beco if he found a BIN file in the sound folder its porbebly not the 1 u look for

tray to look for

Texture folder