Paragon Cardmodels

He gave me permission years ago to host them. I hadn't realized they were not in the database. Excellent job Revelle-Fan!! :)
Thank you! There were A LOT of dead links in the Resources. I have fixed everything I could and added many missing ones. Fortunately most of the old mediafire links still work but all links are defunct. I'm now checking my personal archive to see if there is still something to fill the gaps. :)
You guys don't mess around with this stuff do you? Impressive.
I can name a few people on here that take thier card modeling very serious. Several members keep files on separate external drives, so that they can always recover them. I have just started again on a 128 Gb USB drive, adding all my downloaded plans, and pics of my builds. I wish I had been doing this years ago...
I can name a few people on here that take thier card modeling very serious. Several members keep files on separate external drives, so that they can always recover them. I have just started again on a 128 Gb USB drive, adding all my downloaded plans, and pics of my builds. I wish I had been doing this years ago...

Might think about upgrading into Tera Byte drives... at some point...a 2 TB internal is around 50$... I say this as My 3d model files folder since January is a little over 120GB as it stands now...haven't even added into the equation the several folders of just Blender files with the textures embedded... oh I just checked my blender 2.82 files that I have done just in the last couple months...ackk another 100G...I guess that's, why I keep filling up TB, drives right and Left!!
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'' all my downloaded plans, and pics of my builds. I wish I had been doing this years ago... ''

ME TOO! I WISH I HAD KNOWN ABOUT THIS IN 1967 WHEN I FIRST GOT INTERESTED IN MODEL BUILDING. oops. caps on. flash drives do well with model storage, there are 2T ones available now. but even 500gb are affordable and store a helluva lot.
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