"PaperLaul's Terminator 2: Hunter Killer Aerial - by DanBKing"

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Damn Dan, this is coming out really bad ass!! ;)
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Please, 'un-pin' ......

This project, has gone into the bin ........ :headbange: :realmad: :sadno:

Literally, ....


It's better this way....... :(
Whay happened, if you don't mind? I have done this also, but was curious as to what fugged it up. :eek:
If thy model offends thee, chuck it out. Done it before, and I'll probably do it again.
@DanBKing I am sorry that this happened. I have had similar incidents before. When I was in the middle of a test build when my ex-wife had some guests over for dinner and they had brought their child. The mother had given the child both the project that I was in the middle of beta building and a few other models. The child destroyed everything!!! Needless to say, I was not at all happy. what made matters worse is that both my ex-wife and her friends thought that it was not a big deal and that I could always rebuild the models again. Of course, that was not the point. The point was, I was on a time frame with the beta build and the models that he destroyed took quite a bit of time and they just did not care.
Once again, I am sorry that you had to do this.
@DanBKing ; I feel your pain! Sorry to see such a great project trashed (literally)

I also have had models destroyed by others (The destroyer beholds thread) - the only one I can't get upset about is my snow speeder that my (the 18 month old) son got hold of. (I did leave it within reach as well :()
Over 23,770 views!!
So...so...sorry to hear this! It was an amazing build. Hope it can be resurrected at sometime in the Future.....by you and not Skynet!
Let's leave Dan alone, I am sure he will post something if he wishes too, and he owes nobody an explanation. . :)

Please, 'un-pin' ......

This project, has gone into the bin ........ :headbange: :realmad: :sadno:

Literally, ....

View attachment 163263

It's better this way....... :(

Sorry to see such a grand project in the C for circular file.:nailbiting::fireguy::fireguy::fireguy::headbange::headbange::hide: Oh well ..we still have the pretty pictures.:angelic: Sometimes the builder sees problems that the rest of us don't see.:exterminate:

R.I.P. Hunter Killer

Sky Seeker
Please, unless Dan posts, no more past this one I am making. I will close the thread otherwise and delete the last post. DAN B. ONLY!!
Morning one and all,

Ok, I think I have calmed down enough now to offer an explanation, without turning this thread into a blue, expletive filled, X-rated, child-unfriendly rant!

This project was never an 'A-list' build in the first place. I did a bit here and a bit there over a long period of time, which can be noted in the duration of this thread.
I was not 100% happy with the build as it progressed either. I had a lot of small problems from the beginning, that became big problems later on.
  • The rear of the fuselage was slightly twisted, causing the wings and engines and front fuselage to not line up along the vertical perpendicular.
  • The engine mounting pods were not 100% square, causing the port engine to sit slightly further back than the starboard engine.
  • The rear landing leg swivel pods had become very loose over time and would swing around at the slightest touch to the model. Both rear pods did not line up properly either, due to the twist in the fuselage.
  • The swivel joints I designed for the landing leg feet were very weak and broke off easily.
  • The wings had begun to sag, even though I had reinforced them, (obviously not well enough!) They began to look more like wings on a normal aircraft, instead of the sharp V shape they were meant to be.
  • I had a lot of issues with glued joints coming apart. This was mainly caused by having to force the model into shape, which put too much shear stress on the joints. And as always, the torn joints were in the most inaccessible places and were a nightmare to fix. Copious amounts of CA glue and wood filler were used to repair the damage. In some places, I had sanded the surface too much and made the paper very thin, making the surface very weak.
All in all, the model has a lot of issues and I was tempted on numerous occasions the start the build again properly, but I soldiered on anyway.

But, the straw that broke the camel's back happened just over a month ago .......

When I split from my ex after 9 1/2 years, I decided to rent out a room in my house to an acquaintance of mine. This helped me financially to afford to keep the house. That was about 3 years ago now. I have been having issues with him over the past and served him his marching orders in the beginning of December last year. The contract states I have to give him 4 months notice, meaning I have to wait until the end of March this year to get him out. Anyway, his hobby is airbrush painting, so he was handy for getting paint jobs done on some of my models and other things. And as you have seen in the previous photo's, the Hunter Killer was one of them.

Over a month ago, after using lots of wood filler and sand papering the surfaces of the model, I got to a point where it could be painted. I wasn't happy with the finish, but the model was becoming more of a wood filler model than a paper model, and decided to stop there and just paint the damn thing anyway. So, after the final primer coat, I gave the model to my housemate, to be painted.

2 days later, he sent me the photos that you see earlier in the thread, which pleased me to see!

Then I heard nothing from him about the model and no model to be seen either! So, I asked him a few times how it was going, to which he gave various excuses; The weather was not good for spraying, or there was a car parked in the workshop and he couldn't do any spraying, etc etc .......
Finally, I asked him to bring it back home so that I could progress further with the build and he could finish spraying it at a later stage when he could. He said it was almost finished, but he was not happy with it and was 'doing some repairs.'

About a week later he brought the model home.......
As soon as I saw it, I knew something was not right......

As you can see in the earlier pictures of the painted model he sent me, I made a special handling jig to aid in painting it, without having to touch the model itself. He then mounted this jig to an old lightweight plastic 25 litre oil container. All fine, as the photo's show.

After close inspection of the model and surveying the damage, judging by the 'witness marks' on the model, I can only deduce that the model had fallen. The model itself is quite weighty, probably due to the amount of paint, wood filler and extra layers of texturing card used. In conjunction with the lightweight can, it made the whole setup top heavy. As he had taped the handling jig to to can, when the model was knocked over (I assume,) the model fell first bringing the can along with it.
It seems the model landed on the ground on its back, impacting on the starboard nose first, crushing the nose and breaking the mounts for the starboard spotlight. Furthering its downward journey, the wings were next to take the impact, flattening them and tearing the joints to the fuselage and splitting the fuselage in 3 places at the rear. One of the wires for the wing lights snapped too.

Ok, $h|t happens, accidents happen, but what pi$$ed me off the most, was that he did not say anything to me about it and just told me (we need a 'bull$h|t' smiley on here) stories. And to make matters worse, he had attempted to repair the damage himself, using bloody two-part car body filler and other glue and then attempting to cover the damage and repairs with paint.
The nose was beyond repair and would need to be replaced somehow. He had also glued the spotlight mounts back on, but now the spotlight does not swivel anymore.
After a day or two I tried to salvage the model and repair the wings first, but the more I tried to repair it the more damage I did. The fuselage split even more and the broken wire was impossible to get to to re-attach it. I finally managed to get the wings in better shape when the fuselage split again at the wing joint.
That was it for me, I lost my temper, childishly threw the model on the ground and jumped on it with my bare feet, puncturing the sole of my foot with one of the LED wire legs in the process. My swearing and yelling could probably be heard across the country. Needles to say, the model did not last long.

And that folks, is why this project has been terminated!

Oh well, maybe I will attempt to build it again one day. I still have two good engines left over at least.

But, I really want to concentrate now, on my paper modelling goal, of completing all the models from 2001 A Space Odyssey. But that will be for other threads.

Admin: I'll let you decide what you want to do with this thread from here

Take care one and all. See you around the forum.

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I suggest we close it, but keep it. If you ever want in opened, just send me a P.M. This way people will know you model was dropped by a buffoon, and buffoonery is hard to fix, if not impossible sometimes.

I'll close it now, send me a P.M. if you want to further discuss it. I will keep it pinned as it has garnered so many views, at least people will know of the outcome and not barrage you with P.M.s. :)
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