Paper Size & Weight Confusion

The paper is listed as "Card Stock". It is pretty much a standard here was is 67 lb. card stock. I actually find these two sizes cover most of what I need to build, unless it is a ship and you are building a thin splash wall, then you double up on plain paper. I can't make heads or tails of this so I defer to those who know better. :)
White GLue is not really god or modeling. Try using UHU glue and a glue called Zip Dry. These work far better than white type glues and set up quicker. I end to use 110 lb card stock, or 67 lb. card stock. :)
I am new to paper modeling and am almost finished with a 1:350 zeppelin using 65lb cardstock I had been using for greeting crds. Just purchased some 110lb stock realizing that some models would require heavier base. When do you decide to double up on your paper and do you print first on one piece then adhere the second before cutting?
If the parts have a radus, lke in a blimp, form the radii first. This is because the inside piece will have to be trimmed as it is taking a smaller "turn" through the radius, and will stick out a bit further. For flat pieces, double them up first, and take advantage of the possibility of using the sheet inside as a flat. You get the best fit by bending it the thickness of the paper. The parts will fit like Legos!! :)

Use ZIP DRY, for gluing metal rails and plastic to cardboard, it is non toxic and will not turn yellow (Lignin free). It is also nice that is has a long set up time, yet grabs quickly. Put two drops on a piece of paper, then pull apart, you will se the string matrix, then put back together. I use this stuff exclusively for ship hulls and framing. the way it dries i such that it does not shrink, so warping is kept to a minimum. These can be found at most Michael's Craft Stores. :)

UHU glue is next.

Got to put my 2 cents far as being here in the states! Personally I don't care or trust what Lb the stock is labeled. The stuff I have purchased recently has just started to include g/m2 so that helps some-what. But, you can get 110lb card stock that is actually thinner than 80lb. I go by the thickness, which unfortunately means I have to physically see the stock at some point! I have a general guide I found awhile back, 80g/m2 = copy paper ( usually) 180-200g/m2=tag board.
the models want you to glue up different parts to usually .2mm, .5mm and 1.0mm for the various parts....Standard Card stock =110lbs,199m/2 = .023mm, or cover stock @ 67lbs or 148m/2 =0.21mm ( both from Staples). I have some Eagle brand Tag Board from Michales that comes in a 9x12 ( lbs or g/m2 not listed) but it is .25mm ( warning it is a layered stock, if you try to roll it, the layers separate!)
Poster Board from Walmart in 18x24 sheets, Phantom Line or plain ( has one slightly glossy side sometimes) is exactly .5mm thick and sometimes for the smaller stuff I will just glue a couple together for the 1.0mm, Tetley Tea Boxes are made of exactly .5mm card stock with glossy print outside, but pure matte white inside, so glue the model page to the outside , a little spray sealer, and I air brush everything anyway. For the large 1.0mm frames etc. I use a good flat white mat board, like Zathros, the kind used for framing. I tried cereal box stock 1 time, and it will destroy a new blade in a matter of a few cuts so I do not recommend using it, but I will re-cycle anything else suitable for what I need or will work! Tubes that need to be glued together with tabs in a kit I usually will throw out, and roll them to the proper length and thickness using wire or dowel rod, knitting needles, what-ever and copy paper, works WAY BETTER! GLUE...Aleene's Tacky Glue, Fast Dry, Fast Grab Regular..what-ever one will serve the purpose at the time, 3M spay adhesive for joining 2 pieces of board together, with a brayer. and VERY CAREFULLY as it will grab and not let go if you get things miss-aligned! I will even use Elmers and spread it with old plastic cards that come in the mail, to join flat pieces but they are weighted down till dry and flat! I am sure I have forgotten other things but if there are questions just ask! That's my 2cents worth... ;)
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I go to staples and by what they label as 110 lb. stock. I go to Micheal's Craft Stores, and they give me the remnant 1 mm frame, acid, lignin free paper, left over from their framing business, FREE!! You have to ask the manager, bring pictures to show what your doing with it. Last time I walked out with a 20 lb. bundle. The biggest sheet was 2' x by 3' feet! The smallest, 8" by 12" inches. This is good size stuff! :) I advise you have a handful of glues, and crap you look like you are going to purchase.
